Chapter Eleven

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Alice's POV:
My morning sickness has been getting worse and worse by the day, along with my hormones. I have been closing myself in my bedroom out of fear that I would have another breakdown in front of Betty. Surprisingly she hasn't brought up the "conversation" I know she overhead between FP and I, but I'm grateful for it.
  I went downstairs when I heard a pound on the front door, and when I opened it I was met by the back of a dark brown haired women in a leather jacket.
  Oh my gosh, it can't be her!

I walked into the diner for my shift and saw Jughead and the gang all gathered into a booth with their heads together. I walked over to a little curious to what they were so interested in.
  "Hey kids! What has you so excited." The moment I came over they all looked at each other like they were hiding something.

  "Dad, can you sit down for a moment," asked Jughead?

  "Sure," I grabbed a chair and joined them at the edge of the table. They all had the most intense look in their eyes. "What can I do you for?"

  "I want to know if you love my mom?" Betty always got right to the point, kind of like their mom.

"Excuse me," I asked?
"I think you heard my cousin, Mr. Jones. None of use are going to deny the fact that we heard that little 'conversation' you and Ms. Smith had at that little Serpent gathering. Neither are we going to deny the fact that we overheard the to of a scream 'I love you' to each other."  Said Cheryll in full sass mode.

  "You can't forget that ever most passionate kiss you two shared. And the she ran away crying," Said Veronica.

  "Yeah, what was that about Jones? You too finally admitted your feeling and then nothing. I don't understand it," added Toni.

"It's none of your business, kids." I was starting to get really frustrated, and I do not want to talk about this.

"Actually it is our business, Mr. Jones! My mom has been hauled in her room crying her eyes out since this happened. She's worse than she was when my father was reveled being the Black Hood, she's shattered. She needs you and I think you need her too. Just... please tell me this isn't our fault?"

  "What do you mean your fault, Betty?" I was really confused, why would she feel this way?

"What she means is, dad, are you not with Ms. S because Betty and I together? We talked about this and we want you to be happy regardless of how awkward it will be for us."

"Jug, Betty, I can promise you that's not the reason. Actually, I honestly have no idea what the reason is."

"Mr. Jones, don't you think you should find out?" Archie was finally speaking up.

"Yeah! Mr. Jones there's this play at school in two days and I know for a fact that my mom will be there. You're going and you will find out your answers."

"Is that an order young lady?"

"Yep." Betty said with such a big smile on her face.

"You are so much like your mother."

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