Chapter Two

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"Hey dad, Mr. Andrews asked me if you'd like to join them for dinner tonight?" asked Jughead.

"Tell he I'd love that. What time would he like us to come over?"

"He said to be there around 7."

FP just hopes that he won't run into her.


Jughead and FP pulled up into Fred Andrews driveway around 6:58. Although for some reason unknown to Jughead they were still sitting in the car.

"Dad, why don't we go inside?"

FP was lost in thought at this point. Is she in the house? Has she seen us yet?

"Dad, are you okay?" Jughead had taken to shaking his dad'd shoulder in hopes of getting a response.

"Yeah, Jughead I'm fine. Why don't we go inside?"

"That's what I've been saying." mumbled Jughead under his breath.

They walked up to the door and knocked. Fred answered the door immediately.

"Hey, guys thank for coming!"

"Thank you for having us." said Fp as him and Jughead stepped through the door.

"Hey, Jug, do would you mind going upstairs with Archie for a minute? There's something your dad and I need to discuss." Oh no, FP knew what this was about.

"Yeah no problem," Jughead said. Although he was a little curios, he walked up the stairs going into Archie's room.

"So... FP, have you seen her yet?" FP didn't even bother asking who she was. He knew exactly who he was talking about.

"No I haven't been to see her yet." For some reason FP couldn't bring himself to look in his best friends eyes, out of fear of disappointing someone else that meant so much to him. That didn't last long however, for when he looked up he saw the most disappointing (or was it disgust) on his Fred's face that he's ever seen.

"You're telling me that the moment you found out that the love of your life, and don't bother arguing. We both know the truth." FP was just about to open his mouth, but Fred continued. "You're telling me that the moment you found out that Hal was the Black Hood, you didn't bother going to see her? "

"Fred, I wanted to go see her, but Jughead was in the hospital, or did you forget that little detail?" At this point FP was starting to get a little annoyed.

" Don't use your son as an excuse, FP. I want the real reason why you haven't seen her."

FP took a long pause as he thought. "What if she doesn't want to see me? What if cause her even more pain? What if it doesn't work out?"

"FP, I think there's only one way you can find the answer to your questions. Go!"

"What about Jughead?" FP was looking for any excuse he could find.

"I'll cover for you! Go!"

So FP walked out the door and headed to see the women next door.

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