"Yeah." Hayley said nonchalantly.


"Caroline!" Rebekah kicked open door after door trying to find Caroline as the conversation between Marcel and her brothers continued.

"If she as much as gets a paper cut, Marcel," She heard Klaus say, "I give you my word, you'll face excruciating pain at the hands of me."
Marcel chuckled. "Caroline Forbes" He emphasized on her last name. "I've heard about her, from some of my guys here, in New Orleans. The beautiful blond angel in the scarlet tight dress that was able to bring a genuine smile to the devil's face. Or I guess it's how enticing she could look while dancing on table tops and how delicious she looked while drunk. I have to admit, she is very sultry even in that white dress I caught her –" Marcel was silenced with a blow to his nose. Marcel only laughed looking down at the blood. Marcel threw his forearms in an attempt to punch Klaus back, but Klaus slipped to the side, pushed Marcel 's elbow down and away, caught his head, and rolled him onto the floor. Third of a second, Klaus was on his feet. Marcel absorbed the trauma, swallowing the pain, then kicked his way slowly back to the surface, laughing. "Wow," he said in breaths between his laugh, "You got a thing for her? Oh! I wasn't sure. I just thought you were using her but... That's hilarious!"

"I will end you!" Klaus raged towards Marcel but was stopped by Elijah who blocked his way.

"We are here for the girl, not to kill one another."

"Get out of my way Elijah,"

"Caroline," he murmured, "She is why we are here."

He glared at Marcel and clenched his jaw in anger.

"Where is she? Is she even here?" He chuckled. "And why did you take her? Don't tell me this is your idea of revenge because you were forced to leave? Because I took everything from you?"

Marcel remained silent with a straight face while Klaus laughed it off.

"As pathetic as that is," Klaus said. "It is to no avail as I've won, I've won in the past, I won today, and I will always win."

"Your feelings for this girl," Marcel began.

"Don't be ridiculous, Marcellus," He sneered.

"As unreal as it sounds, you do have feelings. And you know I loved your sister,"

"Please, Marcel, spare me your—"

"I did, Klaus!" He yelled, stepping forward. "I did love Rebekah! And you know it! You," he looked and Elijah, "You and your obnoxious brother Kol knew it too!"

"Oh, I see that's why you used her to hold a share," Klaus snapped.

"I was coming to tell the truth to Rebekah, I was gonna apologize to her and everything was –"

"How delusional are you?" Elijah asked. "You think you'll apologize and Rebekah will go running into your open arms? Come on Marcel."

"You used my sister as a way into getting more wealth. You didn't love her, you don't use the people that you love for the benefits!"

"Ohh, then what about her?" Marcel asked. "What about Caroline? I know her Father is William Forbes. I know about Finn, I know all about your past. And I know why you're holding her as a hostage."

"That is none of your business," Klaus replied. "What I do is absolutely none of your bloody concern."

Kol walked downstairs yelling, "I couldn't find her! She isn't –"

"Klaus!" Rebekah yelled from upstairs, holding Hayley from a side as she walked, "Elijah! She is in labor!"

"Kol," Elijah said calmly, "Start the car,"

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