oh no

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A/N i have the day of school today so i may be able to get a few chapters out to you guys

the next day at Jeremy  in the basement Jeremy sits on one of his bean bags playing video games and makes the choice to text Micheal

Jeremy and Micheal 

Jeremy: Micheal wanna come over.

player one ❤: well i would love to jere bear.i have a surprise for you.

Jeremy: oh i love surprises i cant wait .

player one ❤: OK see you in a little bit baby.

Jeremy hears the lock turn and jumps 

"jere bear im heere "

Jeremy runs and jumps into micheals arms

"Micheal your puns are not that good but god dam it i love you"

Micheal and Jeremy go down to the basement then Micheal remembered that he left jeremys surprise in the car.

"be right back jere i left your present in the car"

"ok micheal hurry"

micheal grabs jeremys present

"hey jere come here"

jeremy runs up the stairs and almost trips "im so excited you know how much i love surprises ah micheal just give it here already" jeremy jumps up and down repeatedly micheal pulls two slushies out from behind his back.

jeremy yells in excitement "oh micheal mell i love you" jeremy kisses micheal as they try to make it to the basement with out tripping over each other micheal stops kissing jeremy and jeremy sighs "jeremy my moms would be so proud of us they told me a few mouths ago that they thought we were together because of how much time we spend together and i told them we weren't well i guess i can tell them they were right i fucking love you jeremy heere"

"micheal you talk so much just kiss me again you son of a bitch" micheal kisses jeremy till they cant breathe jeremy and micheal fall into a bean bag and keep kissing. jeremy jumps at the sound of foot steps coming down the stairs.

Mr,heere " oh i thought i heard micheals voice hi  mikey hey i jeremy im going to  the store you boys need anything . any way you look pretty good so i might just go"

"oh dad can you get some brownies were out"

"yeah jere i'll be right back"

as some as the boys hear the door close they start to kiss again " jeremy i just cant take all this in i just ah" jeremy shuts micheal up with another kiss but this time its more jeremy is trying to make out with micheal  the boys lose track of there surroundings and Mr,heere walks down to the basement with the brownies and sees the boys making out

"jeremy im back.......w..  what is going on"

" da...da....dad i can explain i'll be upstairs in a minuet just let me collect my self"

A/N sorry for the long chapter i was in the zone and did not want to really leave you guys on a ckiff hanger.  

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