Chapter 3: Convincing

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Chapter 3       

 I'm so excited. This is going to be so thrilling. I need something to wear. Entering my walk in closet there are a lot of cute things to wear. But what kind of outfit? I don't want to look that dressy, so no dresses or skirts. Whipping through all my shirts or sweaters, I found a blue and gray sweater with white jean shorts. In the mountains, even in summer, it's cold at night. So I thought it would be good to wear. All the sudden, I heard a knock on my door. Is mom home? If it was Troy he just would have barged in. I flew open the door to find Troy, surprisingly.

"Carrie, I'm really sorry and I hope you can forgive me," he said looking at his shoes. He did sound very  apologetic, and I'm not over what he did to me, but I just tried to forget about. I've killed him to much already because my brother can't even resist me.

        "Just don't do it again. And yeah, it will be funny some day, not today," I say. He nods, and walks away. I can just tell he wanted to laugh, but I'm glad he didn't. He takes nothing seriously anyway. The more I think about it, the more I don't like myself, because it reminds me I'm a huge embarrassment.


        "Carrie, Troy! We're home!" My parents call putting there stuff down. I have one more hour and I can't wait. I hear Troy tumbling down the stairs and greeting them, like he's innocent. Walking down the stairs, Troy is telling our parents our day, and what happened at Nationals Park. They all stare at me, like I'm guilty. I didn't do anything, climbing the tree was Troy's idea., not mine.

        "Are you okay honey?" They say surrounding me. I nod. I don't say anything because I know if I do, I'll burst.

        "We told you guys forever ago to not climb that tree, remember what happened, Carrie," I don't because it happened to me. They all told me what happened though. It was 5 years ago, Troy and I climbed to the thickest branch, and I fell, all the way down. I smacked on the ground and had a concussion. I almost didn't make it. I was under that terrible spell for a month. When I woke up, I remember thinking if that was the end, no one would remember me. That's why I want to stand out.

        "I'm sorry. But not to point figures, it wasn't my idea," I say trying not to cry. I was staring right at Troy, and he doesn't even dare to look back at me. Good idea, Troy.  My parents are asking me all these questions but I kind zoned out because it was happening so fast. I can feel my cheeks become bright red, and there's a huge lump in my throat. Finally, the conversation closes about my embarrassment because they had to cook dinner. I check my watch, 5:30. I'll ask them at dinner which will come quick, were making pizza. I won't eat anything though, because of the grill out. They will most likely let me go, especially because of the fact that I made a friend. Maybe I should go early, and look around. I know for a fact that I did not see all of it. I could give myself a tour.

"Hey mom, dad, after the little incident, I walked around and I found a Yacht Club," I say trying to be cool about it. They look at each other with faces like I wasn't supposed to know about it. I didn't care, I want to go. "Anyway, I met a girl there, her names Halley, and she invited me to go to this grill out. Can I go? I would have to go now though," I beg. There still looking at each other. I beg again, and again.

"I think you need to rest. you had a rough day," My dad says. Ugh!

"I can have a better day if I go," I point out. "Carrie-" 

"Please! It will make my day a lot better," I remind them. He sighs. "Fine. But you be careful, okay?"

"Thank you!!!" I cheer and I give them a hug and walk out the door. For all my bad luck, this is amazing.

        Instead of walking, I run like a cheetah. Can't wait. What is it going to be like? I can't even imagine. I need to go faster, but I can't. How fun. What are we going to do? What's for dinner? I might be over reacting, but I honestly can't help it. I'm trying not to smile the whole way, but it's hard.

    I dash to the sign, and there's everyone, holding dishes in there hands. Was I supposed to bring a dish? I hope not. This is the day. The day my life starts. Look out world, meet Carrie. 


Holding OnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora