I. Stuck

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I've been in the Sengoku period for a week now and I didn't like it. Not one bit. The culture shock was way too much. I just got used to living in modern Japan... These warlords were crazy. It kept popping into my mind how Masamune pointed his sword at me and threatened to kill if I do anything suspicious. I tried to avoid him ever since. I was Nobunaga's lucky charm and they treated me like somekind of exotic animal.

I kept tugging the collar of my kimono. Hideyoshi scolded me a few times for it. But it was suffocating me, I wasn't used to wearing this. I hated the feeling of the underkimono on me. I was uncomfortable all the time. I was the T-shirt, jeans, sneakers type of girl so this was torture for me. Although, I must admit these clothes were beautiful works of art. I didn't feel worthy wearing them.

I remembered when Kio first brought in my sleepwear. 'You've got to be joking! You wear a kimono all day and you wear another kimono to sleep? No way!' She even tried to undress me and put the other kimono on me. I had to physically stop her. I hated having a maid. I wasn't a princess and I had no intention to act like one. It took a while to make her understand that I didn't want to be treated like a noble lady. But eventually, she got it and let me have a bath alone and taught me how to dress myself in a kimono. Kio was always nice to me, I really liked her, soon we became friends.

We went to the kitchen to have lunch.

'So, Lady Ana, do you fancy any of the lords?' she giggled.

'I don't know, Lady Kio. Who is your favourite?' I hated when she called me Lady Ana and I wanted to remind her that she agreed not to call me that. She looked shocked. I laughed at the face she made.

'Okay, I got it.' She was laughing now too. 'So?'

'I don't know. They are all seem to be insane.'

'I like Lord Hideyoshi a lot. He is always nice and talks so gently with us and he is soooo handsome.' I could tell she was daydreaming about him right now.

'I like Lord Ieyasu. I think his grumpy face is very cute and that fuzzy hair of his must be so soft.' Another maid sat down with us.

'Lord Mitsunari is the best. He is so smart and sweet, like an angel...Ah!' And a third one joined us. We were gossiping like schoolgirls. Oh well, looks like certain things never change.

'How about Lord Nobunaga?' I was curious what they thought about him.

'He can be scary. He is not called the devil king for nothing. Once, I caught him eating konpeitos in the kitchen at night. He ate almost the whole jar... He said he'd rip my tongue out if I told anyone.' The maid seemed mildly traumatised by that incident. I had to chuckle.

'But he has a very attractive charisma and his voice... I always get goosebumps when he talks to me.' The maid rubbed her arms as if she got goosebumps just from thinking of him.

'And Lord Mitsuhide?'

'He is very cold and mean to everyone. And scary like a snake.' She clearly disliked him.

'He is so mysterious. He often disappears for days and no one knows where. I think he is evil.' It seemed Mitsuhide was not so popular among the ladies of Azuchi castle.

'Ana, do you like Lord Masamune?' Kio didn't even try to hide her curiosity.

'Haha, me? Why would you think that?' I laughed awkwardly.

'We saw him coming out from your room the night you arrived. He was smiling.'

'Also, we often see him looking at you.'

'Haha, that's because he thinks I'm a spy or something. He made that clear to me that night. It was really scary.' Chill ran down my spine.

'Strange. He is usually very nice and laughs a lot and likes to flirt.'

'And he is a great cook. He even taught us some recipes.'

'Really? Who would have thought?' That sounded nothing like the Lord Masamune I knew.

'I think we can all agree that he is very cool and charming. And his eye patch makes him even more appealing.' Kio was blushing and the other maids were nodding eagerly.

'Well, looks like women have always been attracted to bad boys.' I didn't know what to think about him but I had to admit that he was kinda my type...


Later, I was in my room when I heard a noise from the ceiling. I knew what it was. I looked up and a panel moved and I saw Sasuke's face up there.

'Hi, Sasuke!'

'Hi, Ana!' He made no noise when he landed. 'It nice to see you again. How do you like the Sengoku period?

'I'm doing great! I hate everything and these warlords are all cuckoo. Lord Masamune for example threatened me to kill me without hesitation if he thinks my actions are suspicious. And I generally stand out too much. Everything about me is so different from these people... My hair, my face, the way I speak, how I behave, everything. They look at me like I was an alien. But I give that one to them because it is technically true.' I sighed. 'It's nice to see a friendly face. I am so glad you're here, Sasuke.' I smiled at him.

'Ana... I'm afraid, I have bad news.' He seemed nervous.

'What happened?' I was concerned.

'I've found a mistake in my calculations.' He adjusted his glasses. 'I'm sorry, but we can't go home as soon as I promised you.' He looked genuinely sorry about disappointing me.

'Oh.' That was all I could say. I was shocked. This was the only ledge I was holding onto. That I was going to be out of here in three months. I felt the world was slowly crumbling around me.

'I'm already working on it. I have to ask you to be patient for a little longer.' He talked very gently.

'Okay. I trust you, Sasuke.' I nodded and forced on a faint smile.

He stood in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders. 'Ana, I am sorry. I know it must be hard for you, but you are tough. You can do this. And try to enjoy yourself here. There are plenty of things to like in the Sengoku era.' He winked at me.

'Okay.' I was numb.

'I have to go now. Next time, I'll bring nothing but good news, I promise you. Goodbye!'

'Goodbye, Sasuke!' And with one elegant leap he was up in the ceiling and then he vanished.

I stood there dumbfounded. I was unable to process what he said. I needed fresh air.

I walked around the castle grounds like a lunatic for a long time. The skies turned dark and the wind rose. At least the weather felt as shitty as I did. I sat down on a stair somewhere. My head was full of thoughts. Soon it started raining cats and dogs but it didn't bother me at all. I was soaking wet in minutes.

I can't go home. I am stuck here for god knows how long.

'What am I gonna do here? How am I gonna survive this? Why am I constantly fucked by life? Why can't I wake up from this god damn nightmare?' I looked up at the gray sky and closed my eyes. The cold rain felt surprisingly soothing on my face.

Suddenly the rain stopped. I opened my eyes. Lord Masamune was looking down at me with an umbrella in his hand. 'Are you waiting for me?' That smirk!


'Then why are you sitting at my door?'

'Oh, I didn't know it was your manor. I just wanted to sit somewhere.'

'You are soaking wet.'

'Yeah, I guess. I don't mind.'

'Come with me!' He grabbed my hand and led me inside the manor. He told something to a maid then turned to me. 'Get rid of those wet clothes and take a hot bath! You don't want to catch a cold. The maid will help you.' Is this the same Lord Masamune who almost cut me in half a few days ago?

I bowed to him and followed the maid. She tried to bathe me but after some convincing she changed her mind. The bath was wonderful. It warmed me up to the bones. I stayed in there until my soles and palms were pruney. I changed into dry clothes and went to look for Lord Masamune to thank him.

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