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"How could he do this to me Nyla ?! What did I ever do to him?", Jada asks her friend .
"You didn't do anything. He does not deserve these tears.", Nyla replies back.

It is currently 3 am in that morning and I am in my apartment crying my eyes out because my "boyfriend" was on snap chat kissing some girl when the clock striked 12am . Oh and did I forget to mention that it is New Years. Yay .

Now you might be wondering why he isn't with me. He isn't with me because he claimed that his mom was throwing a New Years Eve Party for his family . So I'm at the club with my friends and we yell happy New Years, after I go to call him to tell him that I love him . He didn't answer so I assumed he was busy.

Until I went to look at his snap and it showed a girl holding the phone facing them kissing outside while the fireworks are going on in the background . And that is why I'm in my current situation .

"Nyla you don't understand, I put my all into this relationship! As many times that I should've given up I stayed with him because I love him.", I sob harder as my tears cascades down my face messing up my makeup . She didn't know how to reply back so she just rubbed my back and hugged me. Until her phone rings.

She runs into my kitchen rummaging through her purse to find her phone . When she finally does she looks at the name and roll her eyes before answering it .

"What do you want Derek?", she asks with annoyance in her voice. "No we are at Jada's house . No do not come here we are fine, come over tomorrow or sum rn is not a good time.", She suggests . I'm guessing he noticed that we left and is trying to come over. "Okay see you tomorrow." I'm guessing he said he'll come by .

She walks back over to the couch I'm on and sits down . "Derek said he's gonna stop by tomorrow to see you . He's worried but I told him that we are fine and to come over tonight won't be necessary.", she tells me.

"Okay. Are you sleeping over ?", I asked her with still a hint of sadness in my voice. She nodded her head . I turned off the lights in the kitchen and living room while Nyla made her way to my room . Me and Nyla has been friends since 9th grade . I had just moved to Atlanta from New York and I had no friends, she was only person that talked to me . And then when we graduated high school a little bit after we made friends with Derek and Ty'Shawn .

I walk into my room and the bathroom door inside my room is shut so Nyla must be taking a shower . I take this time to walk across the hall into my work/ makeup room . I sit down at my vanity and just stare at myself . After staring at myself for a little I start to break down again . I just can't believe that he would do something like that to me .

After a few minutes of crying I open my drawer and grab my makeup wipes . By the time I finished Nyla walks into the room with one of my big tees on. "Oh I was just seeing where you went . I'm out the shower so you can get in now.", she says and then leaves the room . I look at myself one last time before leaving the room and into my room . Nyla is already under my blankets on her phone .

I shake my head and chuckle. I go to my dresser and grab a big T-shirt and a pair of underwear and then walk into my bathroom closing the door behind me. I took about 20 minutes in the shower. I walk back into my room with Nyla asleep on the bed .

"Where's my phone?", I whisper to myself. I walk to the kitchen to my purse on my table . I rummage my purse until I found it, which was kind of hard to do since it was dark. When I found it I clicked it on to see that I had texts from Derek and my phone was on 20% .

I answer to his last text saying goodnight and that he'll see me tomorrow . I walk back into my room and turn off the lights . I put my phone on my charger before getting under the blankets and going to sleep .

Hey loves, hope you enjoy this chapter .💕
There is more to come and the chapter will hopefully be longer and more exciting .😛

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