Chapter #5 Welcome to Hellsing part 2: Meeting the crew

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        When she finally arrived there, the door was completely blown and there was a hole in the wall, smoke and dust still coming from it. Frightened blue eyes scanned the chamber to no avail. There was no-one there… or that she thought.

        Suddenly, a foot collided with the back of her neck and sent her flying across the chamber, breaking the remaining pieces of furniture that were still standing. She screamed when she hit the stone wall with a crushing of bones and landed, face down, on the ground near what once was the bed. A deep mocking laugh accompanied with the sound of clapping could be heard from behind her.

        Eventually, a slender figure appeared from the cloud of dust.

        "Hehe…That was too easy." The footsteps ended near the blond Draculina as well as the clapping. However, the laughing continued as he kicked her already broken ribs, flipping her so she was looking up.

        Coughing blood and taking deep unnecessary breaths, Seras tilted her head to see her attacker. Her sky blue eyes opened wide when she recognized the face of the vampire she had killed last night.

        "Do you find my face interesting?" He said, coming closer to her. "Hehe. I surely do find yours quite especial…The face of the bitch that dared kill my beloved brother." His features then changed abruptly from amused to angered in a matter of seconds. He lifted his foot again only to step on her head this time.

        "I'm going to kill you and then I'm going to finish her!" He shouted crazily. That was it. Blue sky turned devilish red and small growls began forming in her throat. A clawed hand wrapped around the foot on her head and with a swift movement, she lifted it, throwing the man to the floor at the same time she raised up, still holding his leg. The now uneasy and slightly terrified vampire tried to crawl away but her hold was too strong.

        "Hey bitch! What do you think you are-?" He looked up, his pale face now void of any color as Seras' sadistic smile grew impossibly wide. "AHHHH! Let go of me, you freak!" He started to scream when he felt his foot being crushed slowly under her small hand, bones breaking with sickening noises and blood flowing down his leg and onto her arm.

        He then shakily pulled a gun from his torn jacket and shot her, missing, but giving him the time to get up and run.

        She stood there for a moment, eyes fixed in the blood of her hand. She was about to taste it, bloodlust taking over, when she got caught in something else. It was sweet and smelled delicious, like chocolate, and it made her mouth water. She bent down to inspect the red spot on the pillow and quickly identified it as the girl's blood. Her reddish eyes turned to worried blue and she hurried to the door, where she had left her Harkonen.

        She positioned herself in the middle of the hallway, cannon raised, and without second thoughts, she fired. The projectile hit the intruder right on the chest, killing him and shaking the whole mansion.


        She had been running for a while now, turning corners, going straight, climbing stairs and getting lost again.

        God damn it all. Her shoulder hurt like a bitch and she was bleeding too much, but the worst thing was that she had had this feeling of being constantly watched since she'd left the crazy actors and their realistic guns. Eventually, the young teen stopped for a minute to check on her wounds and look at the same picture on the wall for the tenth time. "Is this even real? Maybe I fell asleep watching Hellsing and now I'm dreaming about it…".

        Feeling dizzier than before, she sat down on the floor to rest and think for the first time about what had happened in the last hours but before she could do any of that, a faint light caught her tired eyes. It was just for a moment but she could swear she saw it coming towards her.

HELLSING: A trip between two worldsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon