Silent Dragon?!

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I was smiling at the view of the autumn tress as I looked around from the tree I just climbed and giggled reminding myself of a back when I was in a forest much similar to this one 3 years ago. I smiled at the thought of the freedom fighters and me running around the village and helping the villagers out. I giggled as I swing myself down to the campsite, and as I land kneel down and stand up again untangling the leaves and the small branches tangled up between my hair as I walked over to the guys. Once taking away the last branch I see them almost done with packing their stuff as mine was already on Appa's saddle.

- "Where's Momo?" I hear Aang ask as he made his way to the camp site. I look around for the curious lemur but didn't notice him anywhere.

- "I don't know, but he was here a moment ago" We suddenly heard the strong screech from the lemur around the forest. We followed the screeches of the animal as we looked up to the trees, looking for a sign of white and brown lemur. As we followed the screeching we kept looking p the trees since we heard it might be above us. Once close enough to screeches we looked upwards and smiled.

- "Hang on, Momo!" Aang called out as he air bended his way up to the trees and dropped Momo's cage as Katara and Sokka oppened it for him to crawl out. We then heard some other screeches as we look up to the two other cages being held up. Aang look up as the other animals cried for help and air bended himself up again "fine, you guys too" Sokka on the other hand looked like he was annoyed as he threw his boomerang at the two cages

- "This is going to take forever" he said as the boomerang quickly cut through the ropes and brought the two creatures down their cage. I nodded my head side ways seeing it was more efficient.

- "or we could just do that" I replied, I saw Sokka kneel down to the cages and examine them I took my own time to examine myself while looking over his shoulder and seem to bring the same conclusion about who these traps belonged to.

- "These are fire nation traps, you can tell from the metal work. I suggest we pack up camp and move on" We all nodded in agreement and went to pack up the camp we had settled back on Appa's saddle but as soon as we placed the first stuff in my brother kicked in for his complaint.

- "Uh uh, no flying this time" The young air bender looked confusingly at my brother tilting his head slightly.

- "What? Why wouldn't we fly?" he asked as Sokka took the sleeping bag from Aang's arms

- "Just think about it, somehow prince Zuko and the fire nation keep finding us. It's because they spot Appa, he's to noticeable" He suggested but Katara crossed her arms over her chest.

- "What? Appa's not too noticeable!" She retorted while my brother just directly pointed at the bison.

- "He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head! It's kinda hard to miss him!" I walked up to my brother as I settled an arm on his shoulder while Aang sat on top of the bison who yawned over.

- "I'm with Sokka on this one, Appa is one big fellow and maybe it might be better to not fly for a small while until news cools down on the Avatar? in the meanwhile we could walk right?"

- "I don't know" We were walking around because of Sokka's instincts when we then accidentally walked into a fire-nation camp.

- "I know you all wanna fly, but my instincts tell me we should play it safe this time and walk" My brother stated while my sister teasingly leaned over with a playful smile grazing her lips.

- "Who made you the boss?" My brother glared slightly and pointed at himself as I sighed "oh boy"

- "I'm not the boss, I'm the leader!"

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