Warriors of Kyoshi pt.2

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I slowly opened my eyes as the sun shined brightly down at me. It took a while to adjust to light but I managed. I went to my closet, as I opened it I saw new Kyoshi Warrior clothes. I giggled as I took a guess of who had placed them. I took the clothes as I decided that I will go to see the Kyoshi Warriors today. As I took the clothes out of the closet, a paper flew away. I gently placed the robes on my bed as I air-bend the piece of paper to my hand. I turned the paper and read it carefully.

"Dear Teddy,

We are all so happy that you're back with us. As you have seen I placed some Kyoshi Warrior robes in your closet. I really hope you can join us again! If you can't well at least come and train with us! Same schedule as before. Once you have made your decision, you may go to the Kyoshi Warrior training house with or without the robes.

Your friend,

Suki "

I couldn't help but let a grin take over my face at the thought of going training with them again. I excited went to the bathroom and changed into the Kyoshi Warrior robes. Once I was out I tried on my fans. I then stood up from the fighting stance and let a small squeal in excitement. I placed my fans back to where they are supposed to be and went to the window. I let out a sigh as I felt the cold breeze on my face. I suddenly heard what seemed to be the Karma calling me from below.

- "Good morning (Y/N)! We were wondering if you could come down and join us for a while!"

- "Sure! I'll be down in a sec" I replied quickly going to change back to my regular clothes. Once done I went down and slid the door open.

- "Hey guys!" I greeted. I was suddenly trapped in a group hug as I giggled nervously.

- "Guys, let her breathe" Said an all to familiar voice. Then everyone had backed up and went to hug Karma. We both then pulled away.

- "So where are we going to?" I asked.

- "We could go to take a drawing of us all by the little water fountain remember?" He asked.

- "Sure" I replied as we made our way to the fountain me and Karma knew so well while the rest of the group of boys followed us behind. Suddenly one of the guys, I guess his name is Yuta, started talking to me.

- "So, Do you believe in love at first sight or should I pass by again?" It took me a while to realize the cheesy pick up line but I had understood what he meant. I could feel my face slowly begin to heat up at the sudden comment.

- "U-um...what is that suppose to mean?" I said with a eyebrow raised as if confused by the statement.

- "Cute" He bluntly said. I just looked forward flustered by his comment. I could hear him chuckle. Then another guy had pushed him out of the way.

- "H-hey, can I tell you a joke?" The other guy asked.

- "Sure" I said.

- "Knock, Knock!" I smiled as I know these type of jokes.

- "Who's there?" I asked.

- "A broken pencil" He answered.

- "A broken pencil who?"

- "Forget it, it's pointless" I couldn't help but burst out laughing at the small joke even though it was awful it was actually funny if you get the point of it. I kept laughing at the thought. Then slowly regain composure.

- "So, you like knock-knock jokes too huh?" I asked while whipping the tears out from the sudden outburst. He just looked at me with sincere smile and nodded. "That's cool" I said as I smiled back at him. Then I saw the sight of a familiar brunette come towards me and the boys.I grinned as she stood in front of me.

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