Confession of a Widower (Very Short)

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        I lied on the bed next to my wife who was already lost in the world of her dreams. I rested my hand propped up by my elbow against the white pillow.

She is striking,  I realized as the time went by, her appearance became more attractive. I tucked loose strands of hair from her flawless face to her ears. She was really different from the wife I knew before. Chunky, bitchy, and disgusting. Now, I got mesmerized to her sparkling beauty enough to entertain my eyes, my heart- my penis to be exact.

Her face seemed astounded like she wasn’t used to do this every night after I returned from my job. Her mouth was slightly opened like she had something to tell but she stopped in the middle of it. She was thin but when I carried her last time she was heavy like I was carrying the whole world into my arms. Her scent gave a strong punch to my nose, and that triggered my lustful desires.

 I started to breathe quickly, unbuckled my belt and slowly… we collided. She was already dead for one month by the way; I was the one that made her pretty.


A/N: Comments?  Please I badly need those. 

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