Chapter One

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"Luna, I swear to rum that if you don't get below deck I will through you overboard!" Captain Dad yelled. I rolled my eyes and went back to helping tie down the sails. There's this big storm that is starting to get on my nerves. We are on our way to the Queen's kingdom with weapons. Of course they're illegal, but weapons none the less. But this storm is throwing us off track.

This storm is proving to be very difficult. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried. I've been on these seas all 16 years of my life and I have never seen a storm like this.

Just as I was tightening the last knot a settles onto my wrist heavily. Then I come face to face with a pair of eyes that were starting to become darker than the sky.

"Luna Hook Jones get below deck right now!" Just as Dad finished a giant wave knocked me from the deck of the Jolly Roger to the icy seas below.

Everything began to hurt. The salt water was burning my eyes as I was desperately trying to see. I don't think I could've held my breath any longer before the sea finally spit me back out. I took a quick breath because I knew it wouldn't take long for the sea to reclaim me. But then I felt a hand grasp onto the back of my jacket.

Dad pulled me onto the small skinner that he and Smee occupied. I tried to look for the Jolly Roger but sheets of rain kept spraying in my eyes. Dad looked behind me with this fearful look in his eyes that I've never seen before. I turn to see a wave bigger than a castle descend upon us. I see Dad one more time before the water swallows us whole.

The water throws me off the skinner. I'm clawing at the water. There's no oxygen in my lungs. My eyes were drifting close. The water was flipping me over and over. I never thought I'd die this young. What about my Dad? What about Smee? Neither of them deserve this. I don't deserve this. I was going to find my mom one day.

My body started shaking. There was this burning sensation all through my body. I started tasting blood in my mouth. I couldn't help it. I closed my eyes. My lungs couldn't take it anymore. They took in a big gulp of sea water. My body did this over and over again.

Then I couldn't stay awake anymore. I lost all feeling. And right before these salty waters that I loved took me to be it's eternal prisoner, I heard a child's scream. And then. I was gone.

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