Where are you?

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Esme moved from Carlisle's left to stand before Rosalie. The look on her face was motherly and understanding. "Rose, this is a big responsibility in every way imaginable. Not only will you be responsible for your actions but a child as well."

"I know mom." Rosalie said, her arms crossed loosly. "I can do this, I'm ready."

"If this is to happen it won't be a half-mortal like Renesmee but human 100%." Carlisle explained.

"I want the child to have my and Emmett's genes." Rosalie said bitterly.

A growl crept up from my chest as I heard Rosalie's words. She basically stated that she didn't care what happened to my mother as long as the child had both her and Emmetts genetics.

Rosalie ignored my growl.

"I will not allow a repeat of what Bella went through but I can conduct a series of tests on your genes and then find suitable matches from your ancestors." Carlisle explained. "Both you and Emmett have siblings so we can find a close enough match from a niece or nephew."

"That works." Emmett said cheerfully. "I mean if Rose is all for it." he added as he brought her closer.

"What do you need from us?" She asked. "Saliva, venom, egg, sperm, arm, leg?" She ended in obvious sarcasm that was so thick I could cut it with a knife.

"Egg and sperm. Emmett can conduct the retrieval on his own but I will need to surgically retreive your eggs Rose." Carlisle said. "It won't be easy and since I can't use sedatives on you it will hurt." he explained.

Rosalie looked around. "What are we waiting for lets get this thing started."

I stepped forward. "Rose do you understand what pain you are going to go through?" I asked her. "You are a vampire, your skin is as strong as diamonds. In order to retrieve your eggs you will have to be ripped open."

Rosalie growled, her figure going erect which brought her towering over me effortlessly as she was 3 inches taller then myself. "Well aren't you the perfect little hippocrite. I remember a certain someone allowing themselves to be beaten black and blue just to have a child. How many broken ribs did you recieve? 2 or 3?" She spat.

Before I could retort in my own defense Edward stepped before me. "You know that it didn't happen like that Rosalie. Bella didn't purposely get pregnant as we didn't know it was possible. She only did what she believed in and that was not having an abortion."

Rosalie took two steps forward. Three feet of space seperated the two. "Why don't you mind your own business daddy."

In the next half second Carlisle stepped between the two and pushed them apart. "If there will be fighting I will refuse to carry on with this. Bella, I understand your concern for your sister-"

"Sister in-law" Rose corrected.

Carlisle paused to give Rosalie a stern look. "But, this is her choice." After a few seconds he continued. "Emmett upstairs in my office third cabinet from the left, you will find metal cups. Rosalie, go wait for me in my office." He said.

Without wasting a minute the two left our company. I could hear their  footsteps entering the house and making their way upstairs to the third floor where the office was held.

"Bella, Edward I am going to need you to take your family out of ear shot. Preferably somewhere far like Seattle or Tacoma. Keep them out as long as you possibly can." Carlisle said. "I'll call you when the precedure is finished."

I nodded my head. "Are you confident nothing will go wrong?" I asked.

Carlisle placed his hands on the sides of my shoulders and looked into my eyes. The shade of topaz that was Carlisle's eyes were three shades lighter then edwards. They had gold sparkles close to outside of the iris. "I will search high and low to find a close relative of the two and we will use their genes, their human genes. Everything will be fine." he confided in me.

Carlisle was basically a world renowned doctor, though not to humans since he was 'too young'. I trusted him with anything and everything medical-wise. If he was confident that he could find a perfect substitute to make everything work out smoothly then I would not fight my mother and Rosalie's want for this child.

A smile crept upon my face. "Ok, I trust you." I murmered.

My ears detected movements from upstairs on the third floor. For a moment I thought maybe it was Rosalie or Emmett but the movements had no more then 30 pounds of weight behind it. That meant only one thing, Renesmee was awake.

Edward grabbed my hand and towed me towards the house. As we made it to the stairs, his leading turned into his following. As we came to the stairs leading to third landing I let go of his hand and covered the final steps on my own.

"Momma." Renesmee said, the final syllable obscurred by a yawn. "I'm hungry."

I lifted Renesmee into my arms and kissed her on her nose. "Do you want breakfast?" I asked her. "We have elk blood, deer blood and mountain lion blood." I offered.

Renesmee yawned again. Raising her hand she held it to my cheek. She showed me a memory of her hunting mountain lions with Jake. After that memory ended another began. It was Jacob playing with Renesmee.

"Where is my Jacob mommy?" Renesmee asked. "I want my Jacob."

I turned my head to look at Edward who was standing two steps behind me. That was a good question. Where was Jacob?

Twilight Breaking Dusk - Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora