You Have Left My Heart, Black And Blue...Ronnie!

Start from the beginning

"I do to because it one of the quotes i seen on a picture of you awhile back 'Fuck The Flood A Storm is Coming'" I Smiled Ronnie's face went all soft he leaned down kissing me hard i felt breathless, Storm whined in my arms.

"Babe he hasn't gone bathroom yet lets put him outside for awhile and he can play with Charlie", Ronnie looked worried i guessed he didn't want Doggy pee all over the house.

I nodded bringing Mr.Stormy-Bear outside Charlie went mad at first jumping around all excited while Storm peed himself with nerves me and Ronnie both laughed but after awhile Storm was the one to be running after Charlie which was super-cute, i watched in aw, before turning to Ronnie and kissing him hard.

"I'm glad you love you're present" his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me in for a hug.

"Thank you I love him & i love you" I smiled wrapping my arms around his rib cage hugging him back, from a crappy morning to a beautiful morning, Ronnie always put a smile on my face.


"Oh. My. God." Kasey squealed as she opened the door, she literally picked the Storm out of my arms cuddling him.

"Meet Mr.Stormy-Bear aka Storm" I grinned from ear to ear.

"Oh wow cute dog" Aaron walked over petting his head smiling at me.

"Hes got cute eyes there unique" Kasey squealed, "I just want to rob him, when did you get him?".

"Ronnie he just came home last week and said he was mine", i smiled back at the thought i absolutely loved this dog it wasn't a burden to clean after him i gladly done it, Storm had even got bigger over the week, i expected him to from the articles i read about Husky puppy growth.

"Hes huge for a puppy" Aaron said around a sip of his Coffee.

"Ye and he will just get bigger, i cant wait", I really couldn't Huskies were cute as puppy's but stunning as adults.

"Aaron i want a puppy" Kasey whined.

"Maybe one day Kasey". Aaron looked abit worried at the thought of a dog ruining there new apartment.

"We could get a girlfriend for Storm", she grinned at me.

I laughed, "I think Storm to Young for a girlfriend just yet".

"No he isn't, are you" Kasey lifted Storm up to her face she laughed loudly as he rewarded her with licks.

Aaron Rolled his eyes behind her back, tilting his head towards me he smiled, Kasey walked over to Aaron still holding onto Storm, Aaron leaned in kissing her gently on the cheek, it was so sweet, i was glad that Aaron wasn't waisting his time on me anymore it made me feel more relaxed to be around him, but strangely i still noticed the odd eye roll at Ronnie's name and the purse of his lips.

"Oh, i need the bathroom" Kasey handed Storm back to me.

I let him down on the ground with his play toy as she rushed off in the direction of there bathroom, "OK Kase".

"That was nice of Ronnie", Aaron smiled down at my pup playing.

"Ye it sure was, is there anymore coffee?", i asked turning to look around the kitchen.

"Yep" Aaron said simply pointing at the Coffee machine.

I sighed happily pouring myself a nice steaming mug of Coffee.

"Liisa?" Aaron said quietly

i nodded busy on the task of blowing on my coffee and sipping.

"Do you love him?", Aaron asked simply.

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