We Kiss And Make Up And Get Under The Covers

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Max stepped forward awkwardly waving his hand at the people around the table, "Hey Guys".

"Max, its good to see you", Ronnie said coolly.

"Ye Ronnie bro, its been awhile, i never expected you to be here tonight", Max nodded to me smiling.

"Well man i do live in L.A", Ronnie kept his face neutral but still i seen the hurt behind his deep browns, had he ever fully forgiven Max?.

I automatically reached out to rub Ronnie's knee i felt like he needed the comfort, Ronnie's eyes shot down to me, he smiled rubbing my shoulder slightly.

"You're new girl?" Max asked over my head directing the question towards Ronnie.

"Ye Liisa, Max, Max, Liisa" Ronnie introduced us.

"I know who Max is" i breathed, i didn't hate anyone not even Max after everything he done letting Ronnie go down that's what i didn't agree with, i felt sad from the hurt in both there eyes at a lost friendship i sort of pitied Max more then hating him

Max stepped forward reaching his hand out towards me, it was a sort of a shake but not really i took his hand anyway nodding politely, "Hey Ronnie want a drink or anything?, I'm buying". Max Offered.

"No thanks Max i'm fine but thanks", Ronnie looked serious.

"Aw come on dude" Max seemed sad "Lets talk" he glanced around the table before his eyes returned back to Ronnie's "Alone please".

"Look Max i ain't up for shit tonight, i just want to enjoy myself with my friends and my girl". Ronnie looked away from max.

"Please Ronnie man", Max had to raise his voice over the music.

Ronnie sighed beside me "Babe excuse me" Ronnie signaled to get out.

I moved out of the seat and stood as Ronnie got to his feet, Ronnie lead into me planting a kiss on my lips, "Love you" i breathed.

Ronnie Smiled "Love you good girl" Ronnie joined Max as they walked away to somewhere quieter to talk.

I would be lying if i said i wasn't worried i sat back down on the seat staring off to the spot in the crowd were Ronnie and Max had disappeared through.

"Liisa, Ronnies OK he wont get himself into trouble", Jacky British accent drifted towards me.

"I Know Jacky", did i? what if they had a fight?.

"Ronnie seems real happy, you're good for him", this time it was Ryan speaking to me.

"I hope i am, i really love him Ryan", I smiled faintly.

"He clearly loves you to, a happy Ronnie is a happy band", Ryan smiled reaching forward to path my hand.

"He doesn't hate Max, Ronnie's just sad that there friendship isn't reliable anymore", i hadn't meant to say it loud but the words were out of my mouth before i could take them back.

"Max could of done things differently, but so could Ronnie, there no excuses he let his friend go to prison when all he was doing was defend Max", Derek voice boomed across the table, in a polite way.

"We cant change our past", i whispered.

"No but we can try to be better people", Ryan added smiling towards me.

I grinned at him, if anyone thought i felt anything towards Ryan they were wrong i just felt friendly towards him, i couldn't like/love anyone unless there name was Ronnie Radke, i spent the rest of the time talking between Ron and Derek to Jacky and Ryan, Until i noticed Ronnie walking back through the crowed towards our table, i watched as a few girls tried to stop and talk to him but Ronnie just raised his hands up and walked past them his eyes caught mine, he smiled.

My Social Network Romance With Ronnie Radke (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ