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Hey guys! So I figured I'm going to be remastering this story, since there's a lot of inconsistencies which need editing. I hope you don't mind, and sorry for the inconvenience.

Kirito just finished Gun Gale Online, he is going to meet up with his friends until he heard rumors about the new game Remnant Online. Asuna and Klein seem into the game, though they seem unsure about it. They still have their doubts from the Sword Art Online incident. When Kirito got to the bar he got welcomed in like the usual times, until an uninvited guest dropped by. It was Kirito's 'friend' in the agency, and he seemed concerned about something.

"What do you want from me this time, Kikuoka?" Kirito asked defensively.

"I believe you heard about Remnant Online?" Kikuoka asked bluntly while taking a seat with Kirito.

"Yeah? What about it?" Kirito asked nervously.

"Reports keep coming in that people are entering the game, but are unable to exit, we need you to check it out." He replied sternly.

"Wait... first I get stuck in SAO, then I risked my life for you in Gun Gale Online, now you want me to risk my life again? What's in it for me if I choose to go?" Kirito asked as Kikuoka set a copy of the game down on the table.

"How about, five hundred thousand Yen? And you won't hear from me again afterward unless your life is on the line. That sound fair?" He asked calmly.

"And what if I don't make it back? What will happen with Asuna and my little cousin?" Kirito asked again, this time more defensively.

"I'll give Asuna one hundred thousand, and your little cousin an equal amount as life insurance. That sound good?" Kikuoka pressed.

"Make it four hundred thousand each. No more, no less." Kirito said bluntly.

"Listen, there's only so much I can do. People's lives are on the line. And I don't want you becoming a statistic if this is an SAO repetition anymore than you do. " He replied seriously.

"Well, if you can't find that money for both my cousin and Asuna as life insurance, then I'll be on my way." Kirito said quickly as he stood up.

"Fine! You win!" He replied with defeat in his voice. He is desperate, since Kirito is the most capable person he knows.

"Very well then. And whatever you do, make sure Asuna doesn't dive after me unless I come back within four days." Kirito said strictly.

"Very well then. That is all." He said as he stood up and left the bar.

"What have I gotten myself into now?" Kirito thought as he glared around the room.

"What did he want?" Asuna asked cautiously as she approached the table.

"I'm going into Remnant Online for a few days to investigate some things. Do not come in after me unless I come back and give the all-clear. Promise?" Kirito asked defensively.

"What do you-" Asuna started, but got cut off.

"Do you promise? I will explain everything when I get back. For now, stay in reality and do not go into that game." Kirito said sternly.

"I-I promise. As long as you give me an explanation." She said with stress in her voice.

Kirito walked up and kissed Asuna as though it is the last time he will be seeing her. He ran home and put on the nerve gear, then loaded Remnant Online.


"Sinon, you can't be serious? You can't go in after him, you heard what he said!" Lisbeth said sternly.

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