Chapter 51: The Tomb

Start from the beginning


"Hey Cassie?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah?" She responded, just as cautious.

"Uh, you do know that you will never be with the Beta, right? It's obvious in the way he looks at her that he cares and loves her much more than he could ever love any other being. And she has that exact same expression whenever she looks at him. They're in love, Cas, and you can't mess with that." I reasoned.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Who exactly is "in love" with the Beta?"

I smiled slightly. "The Alpha."

She gaped before growling furiously, causing me to take a step back in surprise. "I can't believe you'd make up such a lie about the Alpha and Beta! If they were together, he'd be the Alpha and she'd be the Luna. I can't believe you don't want me to be happy."

"I never said I didn't want you to be happy, Cassie. I was only telling you the truth before you get hurt. I'm only-"

"Looking out for me. Yeah, I know." She sighed. "But sadly, I still don't believe you." She snarled and launched forward, shifting into her average sized creme colored wolf.

"Now, Cassie, don't overthink this." I panicked before sprinting in the other direction only to be tackled to the ground with her claws digging into my back, going deeper and deeper by the second. I cried out in pain before reaching my foot up to kick her in the gut. I scrambled away from Cassie as she took a few steps backwards. I shifted quickly and started to run away again. We were getting further and further from the house and I was getting extremely worried because I knew. I knew who'd win this fight. I knew she wouldn't stop until she'd calmed down, no matter how much damage and pain she'd inflict on me.

Her jaws clamped down on my leg and I heard an audible snap. I howled before whimpering, staring at my best friend in shock, pain, and hurt. She'd never gone this far before. She'd never broken one of my bones before.

Cassie. Please. I cried.

She ignored me and kept at it, tearing my flesh and breaking more bones, not even giving me a chance to escape from her grip for a moment.

When she was finally done, I laid there, motionless and panting. My body had gone numb, the pain becoming too strong. My eyes started to feel heavy as I watched Cassie look down at me, seeming to be out of her little temper tantrum. I growled weakly at her, feeling my betrayal and anger towards her starting to surface.

How could she do this to me? Her best friend?

That was my last thought before I let the darkness consume me.


Liz's POV

"Hey guys!" I screamed as I walked through the front door.

"Liz?" I heard Drew asked in confusion.

"Yep." I popped the 'p'. "Miss me?"

"Why are you walking around without a crutch or anything?" Brandon asked, looking worriedly at me.

I waved him off. "Oh I'm f-" A howl of pain rang through the air, causing me to be on high alert and start shouting orders.

"Brandon, I want you to stay here with Jocelyn, Ashley, and Sarah. The rest of you, come with me." I turned and started making my way towards the woods, when I noticed Ben just standing there. "I don't have all day, Ben! Get your ass moving! Now!"

He immediately shifted and ran after us. I smelt blood and crinkled up my nose. Blood always smelt awful. I followed the grotesque smell and came upon a bloodied and battered Mikayla. I growled, rage building up inside me.

Drew, Drake get her to shift back and call an ambulance. She needs to be taken to the hospital immediately. Tell the police or doctors that she was mauled by a wolf. But only if they ask. I ordered strictly before running off in the direction of a different scent that also carried Mikayla's blood.

CASSIE! I roared into the mind link, causing everyone to flinch and whimper quietly.

Y-Yes, Alpha? Came her quivering reply.

What have you done? I growled in disgust. Where are you?

I fell into some type of tomb thing. I don't know. Can you find me?

I'll be right there. I sighed in annoyance. There will be severe consequences for your actions against Mikayla, Cassie Cal. Severe consequences.

She just whimpered.


Once we reached the place Cassie was, I realized that she actually did fall into some type of tomb. It looked ancient. I wonder what could be down there?

I guess I'm going to find out, because I'm the one whose gonna have to get her out. I shifted and jumped down, landing silently beside her.

"Ready to get out, Cassie?" I snarled.

She yelped and slowly turned to look at me. "Y-Yes, Alpha. Please."

I nodded before grabbing her waist.

"W-Woah. What are you doing?" She panicked.

I rolled my eyes at her stupidity. "Throwing you up to Drew, what does it look like. Ready?"


"Ok then. On the count of three." I grinned.


"Three." I threw her up and watched as she flew through the air until Drew caught her, only to drop her onto the wet ground, flat on her ass. I guess werewolf strength had its advantages.

"Nicky, help me up." She whined and my eyebrows shot up as I felt jealousy and anger boil under my skin. I growled loudly the same time I heard Nick say: "No thanks."

He looked down the twenty foot hole at me. "I love you, Lizzie. Don't worry."

I smiled gently, feeling my jealousy burn away quickly. "I love you too, Nick." I pointed an accusing finger at Drew. "You make sure she stays the hell away from him and don't let her run off."

"Yes, ma'am." He gulped before disappearing from my view.

"I'm gonna check this out a little! I'll be up in a bit!" I hollered up to the boys before walking down the only tunnel there was.

"Be careful!" Nick yelled after me.

I continued walking and let my wolf eyes come out when it got too dark for my human eyes to see. At the end of the tunnel, there was a big old stone door that had a weirdly familiar symbol of it.

It looked like a dragon, but I swear, I'd seen it some place before.

I pushed open the door and gasped at what I saw.




Boom!!! How was that for ya, sammytheseal? I think I did pretty well on this chapter... but let's see what you guys have to say. :)

Poor Mikayla... Cassie's a bit of a nut case, huh? Yikes!

School started today and it was soooo BORING!!! All the teachers did was talk and talk and talk. I think I actually fell asleep at one point... :/ Whoops. :D


Love y'all!!!

~~~~ Em ~~~~

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