"Can I talk to you?" I asked him.

"You're already talking," he shrugged.

"Well can I talk to you and you pay attention and respond?" I clarified.

"Go for it," he sat up and face me.

"I'm sorry about bullying you, I'm an asshole," I looked at my hands. I looked at him and he had a blank stare on his face. He looked emotionless. Almost dead.

"You're not sorry, or you wouldn't have done it, you and your friends are a bunch of bullies. You guys still bully me," he mumbled. "Stop you'll let him know. It's okay, it's okay. He'll never know," he whispered. "You can't come out." He closed his eyes and put his head out. Seconds later he opened his eyes and he went back to an emotionless face. Blank. Broken. But blank.

"Hey, are you okay?" I sat next to him.

"I should go. I'll do the project, just worry about your own work," he shoved his laptop into his backpack and grabbed his phone before walking out of my room. "Hey can you pick me up?" I heard his voice disappear down the stairs.

"Oh, hi you must be Stokeley's friend," I heard my mom. I got up and ran downstairs.

"Uh yeah, I h-have to g-go," he said in almost a whisper. She had a concerned look on her face and nodded her head. Then he walked out the front door.


I had to leave. He was bringing up bad memories and I was about to have a whole panic attack. Well I was already having one. It started as soon as he said that. I can tell he was just saying shit. His friends have been bullying me since I came to this school, but he only bullied me for two months and then I didn't see him anymore.

I walked down to the end of the street and sat down on the curb to wait for my Uber. I wanted to be alone. I don't know why he had to bring it up. We could have just finished the project and then the baby thing and then never had to talk again. But no he just had to strike a nerve.

I always was bullied. I'm intersex and I'm gay. I've been labeled the weird kid, the faggot, the guy who killed his ex. I don't know who came up with that last one. But no one cares to get to know the actual person that I am. No one cares. The last guy I dated, well the only one, just took advantage of me. Had me buying him everything, sneaking out, getting in trouble. I almost went to jail because he had weed on him when we were going to the fair. And guess who paid for that?

I heard a car drive by and I looked up to see my Uber driver was here. I got into the car and buckled my seatbelt.

After I got home I ran upstairs to my room and went into my bathroom, I wanna be alone. I turned my shower on and let he water run while I put on a face mask. I threw two bath bombs inside of the bathtub and let it fill up. I grabbed my speaker and connected my phone to it and played some of my music that I made. I would never put my music out but it helps me get out my emotions. I wrote one called dead inside. Gazzy accidentally heard it and now he's obsessed.

"I don't under this.. you're changing I can't stand it.." I mumbled along as I stepped into the bathtub. I sat down in the tub. I closed my eyes and relaxed my body.

Time skip to that night

I laid on my bed and let out a loud groan as I looked at Stokeley's hundredth message of the hour.

Stokeley: I'm sorry

Stokeley: can we talk about it? Please?

Stokeley: you don't have to do the project by yourself

Stokeley: Damn it Jahseh can you text me back I know you're reading my messages.

Stokeley: Jahseh I swear to god I will come to your house. Talk to me. I want us to at least be friends come on.

Stokeley: your mom is nice. She let me in I'm On my way up.

I widened my eyes as I read the last message. Seconds later my room door was opened slowly and Jahseh walked in with two grocery bags. "Gazzy said you like steak and hot Cheetos so I got you some," he smiled.

"Leave," I rolled over in my bed to face the wall. When I didn't reply you should have took that as a hint to leave me the fuck alone .

"No I want to apologize and you don't have to forigibe me but at least hear me out," he argued. I sighed and turned around and looked at him.

"I'm wrong for what I did, there's really no excuse to be honest I'm an asshole and I'm learning that I have to be nice if I want someone to be nice to me. I know that it couldn't have been easy," he looked at me. "I stopped doing that shit because shoving you in that locker with a that spider and mouse was like too far," he explained.

I nodded my head for him to continue. I looked up at him and he looked as if he meant it and he sounded as if he did too. It wasn't in gods plan for him to be a bully.

"I understand if you don't forgive me, i wouldn't forgive me either, but can we start over and at least try to be friends. You seem cool," he smiled weakly.

"We're good," I looked down at my hands. He came and sat next to me on the bed so I sat up and crossed my legs. I only had on my red velvet shorts and a black hoodie so I pulled a small blanket over my legs and scooter over a little bit.

"Okay good cause I want us to be friends," he smiled. I nodded my head and noticed him looking at my ass. I rolled my eyes. And laid flat on my back. He's gay as fuck I swear. And I would know I have great gaydar.

"So uh here," he handed me a bag of food. I sat up and looked inside. It was two big bags of hot Cheetos. The extra hots and the lime flavored. There was a sprite, and skittles. There was also a small food box from ihop in another bag.

I looked up at him, "you didn't have to do that." I tried to give it back.

"Come on it's the least I could do," he frowned.

I nodded my head and took the food box and opened it to find fries, a steak and Mac n cheese." I mentally smiled but kept a blank face. I grabbed the fork that was inside of the bag and began to eat. I haven't ate since this morning and it's already going on ten.

I took some fries into my mouth and smiled. Maybe we could be friends. But his ass needs to stop trying so damn hard.

Gods plan | slumptacionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang