"You could never let me down, ok? No matter what you do, whatever decisions you make in life, I will always try to understand why. That's what I'm here for." finally he lifts his head up to look me in the face.

"You're not mad?" once again, a look of shock crosses my face.

"Why in the world would I be mad at you? That's insane Jisung."

"Because I'm such a loser. You would never let anyone treat you the way Hansuke treats me. You're always confident and strong, no one messes with you. But me, I do nothing to stop him. Plus I kept it a secret from you, even though we tell each other everything. That's why I thought you'd be mad."

"Ok, I was a little upset that you'd keep something like this from me, but I'm not mad. And you're not a loser. My little brother could never be a loser. You just prefer not to argue over things like this. You've always been that way, you never misbehaved with kids on the playground, but with me? Oh, we'd argue from sunrise to sunset. Jisung, the only reason he bullies you is to make you feel inferior or insignificant, probably because that's how he feels in another part of his life, so he takes his frustration out on you. Honey, I would never be mad at you for being the victim. I'm impressed that you'd rather not let the situation get violent. It makes me proud just thinking about how strong you are to be able to put up with that. I mean, I could never handle someone treating me that way. But, the fact that you refuse to give in to his provocative action just shows you're a strong and independent individual, and I'm so so proud of that, I'm not mad. So are we ok now?"

He smiles, relief visible on his face, "Yeah we're ok now."

"Good." I smile back.

Just then a muffled "I'm home" comes from downstairs.

Jisung and I look at each other with wide eyes, "MOM!"

We bolt out of the bedroom, but I want to see mom more, so I push Jisung into a wall in the hallway and run downstairs, hearing and "ow" come from behind me.

My mom laughs at us as we both run down the stairs. I crash into her, wrapping my arms around her as if I hadn't seen her in years. Jisung follows my actions and soon we're all in a big bear hug.

"You're home early today" Jisung gives a toothy grin, and we begin to pull away.

"Yeah, I finished early so that I could spend some time with you guys today." She gives us a warm smile. "I see you already made dinner. Oh that smells good. Just let me go change really quick and I'll meet you guys at the table."

She heads upstairs while Jisung and I head for the dining room, which is connected to the kitchen. I go to serve the food but I feel a tug on my arm. I turn my head and see Jisung holding my arm.

"Eunji? Please don't tell mom about the whole 'bullying' thing. I'm not ready for her to know yet." I purse my lips, but comply to his request. "Ok, but you and I are gonna solve this issue ourselves, alright? I don't want you going through this alone."

"Ok, thanks Eunji."

I smile at him, "Now go set the table, I'm gonna serve the food."

He turns and begins placing down the silverware just as mom comes bouncing down the stairs.

"Aww, I missed my babies," mom grabs our cheeks, Jisung's left cheek in her right hand and my right cheek in her left, and pinches us while wiggling our heads and makes cooing sounds.

"Mom, I'm eighteen already, please don't say that."  She pauses.

"Well I guess you don't want an allowance anymore, since you're not my baby."  I gasp.

"I'm still your baby," Jisung butts in and begins doing aegyo.

"Ok, I'm still your baby, but at least don't say it in public," I grumble.

"When have I ever said that in public?" Don't play dumb you old fart, I think to myself as I narrow my eyes. She just smiles sheepishly in response.

"Ok, let's eat some foo-" my mom is cut off by the sound of her ringtone. "Oh, who's calling me? Just a sec guys." She says as she takes her phone to answer in the living room. Jisung and I shrug it off and go to sit at the table.

About a minute later my mom walks back in, "Guys, this is short notice but the Jungs will be joining us for dinner, so let's all make sure the house looks presentable and whip up some more food for them, ok?"

"Yeah ok." we reply.

"Jisung, you clean. Eunji, you cook. And I will supervise you,"

"I'm sorry. What?!" I exclaim.

Jisung stares at mom in disbelief, "So you're not gonna help us?" He gives her puppy eyes.

"Aw," she cooes at him, "NOPE. HAVE FUN!" and with that, she walks to the living room and sits on the couch.


So like the next update will probably take a little while because I have school and other studies and work and all that shit that I don't want to do but have to.

Anyways I'll try to be consistent with updating weekly but I can't promise anything so please be patient.

Bye hoes

Bye hoes

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