"Uh what? You two are... what? You know what, I don't even want to know. " he said and drank more coffee. He was enjoying the beverage- that was something new.

"Yeah mind your own business." Maze said and sat down looking Lucifer up and down. Her face got a confused expression and she sniffed out at him. "You smell weird, different. Are you sick again?" She asked.

"Something is wrong, this morning I was hungry and I suddenly enjoy food." He said after Linda got up to go change for work. Maze looked in thought for a few minutes before she got up and walked towards him. She took a knife and swiped it across his arm qhich started bleeding.

"You're not healing. What happened after you left me?" She asked as she pulled out a first aid kit from under the table.

I had the most amazing night of my eternal life. He thought with a smirk, but it fell off when he remembered his wish last night. He had wished to be mortal so he could be with Dan. Who granted my wish? Was it you father? He recalled the bright light he saw before falling asleep.

"I'm mortal." He stated out loud, Maze's eyes widened.

"What! How?" She exclaimed, "Did that angel do something to you before we got her?" She asked frantically.

"No, father did this." He said with a smile. Maze was flabbergasted by the man's calmness and apparent happiness.

"Why are you not angry?"

"Because it's what I want, he granted my wish for once." He said in a small voice, still smiling.

"Why would you want to be human?" She was so coneand couldn't comprehend.

"Because of love. I don't want to live forever and see Dan get old and die while I stay youthful and alive. He is my soulmate, I can feel it Maze." He said and it finally dawned on Maze, she nodded in understanding. 

"If it is your wish, I will always support you." She said and sat back down. Lucifer got up and walked towards the door, he smiled back at Maze and left Linda's house to go back to his penthouse.

When he arrived at his penthouse he laid down on his bed and thought about his situation. A tear slid down the side of his face as he thought about how his father had gifted him this wish. Being unable to use my powers won't be easy but I will make it work. For love, for Dan and Beatrice.  He thought as he cleaned up his penthouse and then qent down to the club that was still not open during the afternoon.

He sat at the piano and played Fur Elise slowly. The melody getting him lost in his head, he didn't even notice the time passi until his stomach clenched in hunger. This is gonna take some getting used to, he thought as he got up to go buy himself lunch. He drove to the nearest restaurant and ordered a chicken burger with OJ.

After eating at the restaurant he decided to go buy something for Dan at the jewelry shop he saw across the road. Ding! The bell at the door alerted the man at the counter of a customer.

"Good afternoon how may I be of help?" The old man asked with a genuine smile gracing his face.

"Uhm, I'd like to buy a necklace for my lover." Lucifer said as he looked over the chains on display.

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