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Chapter 12

When he left Linda's place, Lucifer felt bad for what he'd said to Dan. He shouldn't have been so blunt about it, now the detective probably felt guilty for something that is totally not his fault.

When he got inside Hus penthouse he took out his phone and dialed Dan's numbers, he answered on the third ring.

"Lucifer." Dan's voice sounded lost to Lucifer's ears, his heart clenched at what he had caused the detective to go through.

"Hello Dan, I called to apologize for my insensitivity earlier on. I could've explained the matter more clearly." Lucifer felt bad.

"No it's okay, will you explain to me now?" Dan asked as he shifted around in his bed. Lucifer let out a sigh and explained as clearly as he could.

"Maze thinks I might have been poisoned-"

"So you think I poisoned you!?" Dan interrupted angrily, sitting up in his bed and moving his phone from one ear to the other.

"No!" Lucifer bellowed, "No, I don't think you poisoned me." He said more calmly.

"Then why did you say that I make you sick?"

"Because somehow you are my weakness, Detective. I have no idea how it works but when I'm around you, I become vulnerable. It's as if my powers fade away and become human- things can harm me." Lucifer let out another sigh at the end of his speech.

"How is that even... so does mean you have to stay away from me? Forever?" Dan's voice sounded so small, like he wanted to cry. He cleared his throat in annoyance, how could his voice betray him like that.

"Hold on Dan." And then Lucifer hung up the phone.

Dan looked at his cellphone, shocked and hurt by the dismissal. He got under his blankets and was shocked by the stray tear that left his eye, and that was all it took for more to flow down his face- he couldn't control them as his body started trembling with quiet sobs.

Dan already knew how he felt about Lucifer, he just chose to fight against his feelings after failing to tell Trixie. He hated Lucifer for having tried to sneak his way into his ex wife's heart, at least that was he had initially though the hatred was for.

But now laying in bed with his body trembling, he realised that the hatred was just misplaced. He hated Chloe for catching Lucifer's attention, but because he didn't understand his feelings for Lucifer- a man. He immediately latched on to the idea that maybe he hated the man taking his wife away from him.

Dan recalls the way his skipped when Lucifer first graced their department with his presence. Confused by the new emotion towards a man he got scared and interpreted the skipped beat as a gut feeling of danger radiating from the devil.

He disliked Lucifer from the start but it quickly became hatred when the devil seemed to have been swept off his feet by Chloe. Why her? Why not me? He recalls thinking.

And now having had a tiny piece of the devil Dan was reluctant to let go. The fact that his presence put Lucifer in danger broke his heart on many levels. He felt bad for the selfishness that told him to never let Lucifer go, because that would endanger the devils life.

After a whole 15 minutes of reminiscing on his first meeting with Lucifer, Dan started to drift into sleep.

A knock on his door had him waking up before he was even asleep. He got up and pulled on his slippers, he opened the door to see Lucifer standing there.

"What-" but before Dan could finish his question, he was engulfed in the arms of the man his heart yearns for. He hugged Lucifer back with such intensity, one would think he had just returned from the land of the dead.

Lucifer slowly walked the both of them into the apartment and closed the door with his foot. Dan locked the door with his hands behind Lucifer's back. They walked to the bed still in a tight embrace and laid under the blankets.

Dan laid his head on top of Lucifer's chest, his arm wrapped around the devil. And Lucifer had his arm draped around Dan's body and ran his hand through Dan's hair. They both sighed in content.

After 30minutes of just laying there silently, their peace got disturbed by Lucifer's vigorous coughing.

And just like that Dan remembered the situation at hand, he quickly got off of Lucifer and pulled the taller being up into a sitting position. He then ran to his kitchen and came back with a tall glass of water,handing it to Lucifer.

"Here drink, then you need to leave." He said, concern lacing his every word.

Lucifer drank the water and it helped in calming his coughs. He placed the glass on the window will beside the bed.

"I just came to make sure you're okay, are you okay?" He said while looking Dan straight I'm the eyes. Dan's jaw dropped and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Are you insane? You want to die?" Dan shouted I'm anger.

"I just had to make sure you're okay. And to let you know that we will see each other again in time, Maze just needs to-" cough cough, "-detox me of the poison, then I can be with you." He said and went into another coughing fit.

Dan looked at the man as if he was crazy, and he believed that maybe he really was insane. But the fact that the devil risked his life to come check on him left him both angry and happy, it meant he cared about Dan.

"Okay, I'm okay as you can see. Now can you leave? Your getting worse." Dan said frantically as Lucifer started coughing out blood. He quickly took off his T-shirt and handed it to Lucifer, to hold it against his nose.

Lucifer took notice of Dan's red rimmed eyes and that touched him so deep. He took Dan's cheek into his hand and caressed it lovingly.

"You were crying." He stated and caused Dan to blush. Dan pushed Lucifer's hand away from his face, missing the warmth of it as it left.

"It doesn't matter, leave." He said and got up, pulling Lucifer with him toward the door. He pushed the devil out of his apartment and locked the door. "I'll see you when you get better." He shouted through the door and sighed in relief when he heard Lucifer's footsteps moving away from his door.

Lucifer got into his car and drove away from Dan's place, feeling physically better with the distance he put between them. But emotionally he felt sloggy and weak. He couldn't wait to hold the shorter man in his arms again.

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