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Chapter 5

Dan was livid, he couldn't believe Lucifer. How could he do this after he promised not to. Dan parked outside his apartment and got out of the car, throwing the door hard before going upstairs into his apartment.

He took out his keys and opened the door. After closing and locking the door after him, he took off his jacket and threw it against a chair while he flipped the switch on the wall to drown the room with light.

He walked towards the kitchen part of his apartment and took out a beer from the fridge. He needed some alcohol in his system right now, especially after what his assignment was about.

When he arrived at work this morning his boss had called him into his office and given him an assignment. Dan hadn't understood why the assignment was given to him specifically- not until he arrived at the crime scene.

When he arrived at the crime scene, it dawned on him why he had gotten it. The scene was gruesome and the men on the ground had their eyes gorged out and a black substance was seeping out their eyes, nose and ears. The condition they were in was almost exactly how the mafia Dan had been investigating looked, the ones that Lucifer had murdered. Dan knew who was responsible for this gruesome murder, it was Lucifer.

Dan was angry at the fact that Lucifer had promised not to kill anymore. He was even more angry at the fact that the five men that were murdered today were old pensioners, they couldn't have been involved in Chloe's murder.

Dan threw the now empty bottle into the trash can and took out another one before leaving the kitchen and heading into his lounge area. He threw himself on the couch and took another sip, from behind him he caught a sound that had him grabbing at his gun, spinning around and pointing at his bed.

He put his gun down with a sigh when he saw what had made the sound. There, lying on his bed was Lucifer, he was snuggling Dan's pillow. Dan took in Lucifer's appearance, he was dressed in a dark blue suit with his shoes kicked off. Dan stopped for a bit to let his eyes roam Lucifer's sleeping form, the man was beautiful and Dan had to admit. The redness of his lips and his dark hair complemented his slightly pale skin.

Dan walked quietly towards the bed and ran his hand softly through Lucifer's hair- the texture was so smooth and Lucifer moved unconsciously towards Dan's hand. His lips let out a sigh of comfort and that got Dan's attention on his lips, Dan moved his hand down his face and ran his thumb across the man's lower lip.

He was in a trance that only broke when Lucifer's lips wrapped themselves around Dan's thumb. Dan pulled his hand away so fast that you would think he had touched fire. Suddenly he remembered why he came home late and also Lucifer's involvement in his foul mood.

He harshly pulled the pillow from Lucifer's grasp and hit him repeatedly until the man groaned and sat up in a sleep induced stupor. Lucifer stretched out his hands with a yawn and looked around in confusion. He wiggled his toes in his socks and looked at Dan before smiling widely.

Dan responded to the man's smile with a glare and took his badge and gun off his belt before placing them on the nightstand. Lucifer scowled at the other man's expression. "What is wrong?", he reached out to try and touch Dan's arm, but Dan pulled away in anger. "Have I angered you, I'm sorry for entering your home without permission, Dan"  he said in apology.

"You breaking into my home, is the last thing I can get angry about!", he shouted at the man, he pulled at his hair, pacing around before stopping, "I thought you were gonna stop! You promised to stop!".

"Erh, what are you talking about?" Confusion was lacing Lucifer's voice.

"You promised you wouldn't kill anymore!".

"And I did stop, I haven't killed anybody", Lucifer stood up, towering over Dan.

"Liar! I just saw the men you killed. I know your MO.", Dan shouted and pushed harf at Lucifer's chest.

"It wasn't me!", Lucifer shouted back with frustration. He grabbed Dan's hands that were now hitting his chest and stopped the action. "When could I have done that? Yesterday, I was with Brittany all morning and with you half the afternoon, the rest of the day I spent in my penthouse drinking."

"The TOD is early this morning at 8, where were you then huh?", Dan pulled his hand from Lucifer's grip.

"I was still at the club at that time, and there are witnesses that saw me. The cleaning crew was there.".

"But it was your MO, the same one you used to kill those fifteen mafia groups", he said in defeat. Dan believed Lucifer, he couldn't explain why he did but he just had a gut feeling.

"I don't know why someone would want to frame me, but it was not me. Can you please tell me you at least believe me?", he said in a soft voice, lowering his face to look Dan in the eyes, Dan nodded.

They both sat on the bed and started thinking of who could be responsible for the crime. Lucifer realized something.

"You said they had black goo sipping out of their ears, eyes and nose?", He asked Dan in realization.

"Yes, that was the only deference from your victims."

"It can't be, I made sure the gate was closed. How did they get out?" Lucifer asked himself in a low voice, but Dan caught it. He was confused by what he was hearing.

"What are you talking about? What gate?" He asked. Lucifer smiled and scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Uhh, my dogs. I was wondering if I locked the gate so they don't get out.", he said, too fast for Dan to believe.

"Your lying.", he flatly said to Lucifer.

"Why do you say I'm lying, detective? I do not lie.", he said, folding his arms and looking away in a childish way.

" Lucifer, you don't have dogs. And even if you did have dogs, what do your dogs have to do with this crime? But you don't have dogs.", he said with an eye roll.

"Well, I thought I'd spare you from my family drama. Buuut, see when I left Hell... I think I might have forgotten to close the gate.", Dan looked at Lucifer like he had grown a second head, "so that led to our problem right now. Some demons must've escaped after me. I for sure know that they killed those men."  he continued with a look of concentration on his face.

Dan was dumbfounded and his jaw was now too heavy for him to close his open mouth. He shook his head and got a hold of himself before letting out a loud laugh and even leaned over with his arm around his abdomen to relieve the ache that resulted from laughing so hard.

'S-so your t-telling me that-that-that your from Hell? Ahahahahahaha" he stopped and let out strings of laughter, "so what, are you a- ahahahah - a demon too?" He couldn't stop the laughter from escaping his lips even if he tried.

Lucifer looked at him with a scowl, he felt insulted by Dan, "A demon! My Father, that's an insult detective", he said with his nose in the air in pride. Dan came down from his fits of laughter.

"Well your from Hell, so what else chould you be, the devil?" He looked serious for a second, looking Lucifer up and down before laughing again while shaking his head.

"Well of course I am the devil, I thought my name gave that away, detective"

"Are you delusional? You can't be the devil, your too... You!" Dan said in all seriousness.

"Well, I can prove it if you want.", Lucifer said with a determined look in his eyes. He needed Dan to know the truth.

"Prove it then", Dan said in a more hesitant voice. Dan is Spanish and so he believed in such supernatural creatures, it scared him that Lucifer could be telling the truth. He could deal with Lucifer being a murderer, but being the devil was on another level- he wasn't sire he could deal with that.

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I don't know who the art belongs to, bit I love them.

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