Chapter One: Amelia Livingston

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I hope you guys enjoy, please comment if you like it, and if you don't, I'd still appreciate the feedback! Anything that comes my way! Thanks.(:

Amelia Livingston;

I leaned against Chance's warm body. I knew he had to be getting to work soon, but I was being selfish, and didn't want to move.

"Babe," neither of us moved, and I could feel his chilled breath on the top of my head.

"I know," I sighed and moved away, aching to keep listening to his calm heart beat, but knowing I couldn't. I looked him up and down, taking in every gorgeous characteristic of him. From his toned leg muscles, to his even hips. I traced my finger along his washboard abs, lifting up his shirt slightly. His strong arms encircled me gently, as if he might break me, and he's scared he will. I looked into his face, not wanting him to go. His striking grayish-blue eyes stared back at me as I carefully raked my skinny fingers through his thick blond hair. His lips are hard to look away from, but are fractured by the scar that runs from the right side of his upperlip, down to the tip of his chin.

He picked up my wrist and turned to the side slightly, examining my own scars before bringing his lips to them. We both have scars, as painful reminders of our pasts. The only difference between the two, was the fact mine were self-inflicted, and his wasn't.

"I must go," He finally broke away from our embrace. "I'll tell you about my newest mission later tonight. You're still coming to my house to meet my parents, right?"

"I wouldn't miss it," I said as he rushed out of the school building and to his work, to get his newest mission plan. I walked over to my sister's charcoal colored car. Her group of friends were surrounding the car, so it wasn't like Kayla minded me being late. They were laughing and horsing around when a huge red trucked pulled alongside us, with the music way loud, and the bass shaking the whole parking lot. It was one of Kayla's friends' new boyfriend. I'm pretty sure each of them have a new boyfriend at least once a week.

"Why's this youngster hangin' around you guys?" he got out of the car and gestured coldly to me. Despite the fact that my sister and I don't get along real well, she always was really defensive of me, and she knew I would take every single word to heart.

"Leave her alone! She isn't bothering anyone, is she?" Kayla snapped at him. "Jerk," she mumbled, but only I could hear her and I tried my best not to laugh.

"Whatever," He tried sounding annoyed, but you could tell she had gotten to him. "Eve, you coming?" One of Kayla's friends said goodbye to everyone, and got in the passenger's seat.

"Well," Kayla sighed. "I have to get going. See you guys tomorrow."

She climbed in her car, as did I, and her friends scattered. We never really talk on the car rides home-we never really talk in general-but today she beamed at me.

"I'm going to help you get ready for your date," she declared proudly. I raised my eyebrow at her. "What? Don't look at my like that, I am your big sister, you know." I laughed. She always pulled the older sibling card. That and she had a lot of experience with boys.

"Okay," I said. "But you do remember I'm meeting his parents, hopefully."

My sister laughed as we got out of the car. We went straight to my room. My parents were still at work, so even though I was fourteen and completely capable of taking care of myself, Kayla was in charge of me. Even if she wasn't in charge, she still would've had me dress up in a million different thing, then choose between them without letting me say which I liked best. This was her way of 'helping' me with meeting Chance's parents.

"Perfect," she whispered when I came out in skinny jeans, a simple white tank top, and a plain purple jacket. I smiled and thanked her. She giggled, "What was that?"

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