Adoration (Part 2)

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Tyler exhales. "Okay." He mutters, turning back around and pouring Jordan a cup as well. He hands it to him afterwards, and that's when he looks back at him with those big brown eyes. They're like a dog's. A puppy's. Jordan's as curious as one.

"I didn't know you were going to be here tonight." He says, leaning onto the counter.

Tyler takes another sip of his drink. "Neither did I. Josh made me, though. He usually does."

Jordan hums. "Well, I'm glad you're here."

Tyler's eyebrows pull together slightly. "Why's that?"

He gets a shrug in return. "I'll have someone to talk to." He says. "And who's better to talk to than a robot, right? Pretty cool to me."

Of course, Tyler smiles. Jordan and Josh are relatively similar in many ways, and maybe that's why he has been getting along with him is much; he reminds him of his best friend. He jokes like him, kind of looks like him, does many things like him, but he's also so different, and he doesn't know why.

"I guess you're right." Tyler mutters.

Jordan shrugs. "I usually am."

Tyler hums, taking another drink. Once pulling the cup away and looking back to Jordan, his lip curls upwards. "You're pretty cocky."

Jordan shakes his head easily at that. "I'm not, really. I just say stupid shit when I'm nervous."

Tyler purses his lips. "Why are you nervous?"

Jordan shrugs again. He has to think about it this time, taking a sip of champagne beforehand. "New year, I guess." He ends up saying. "Just means I'm getting older and need to get my life together. I'm still living with my parents, that's already a bad sign."

Tyler shakes his head. "You're only nineteen. I think that's pretty normal, right?"

Jordan bites his lip, looking downwards. "Maybe. I don't know. I've been giving it some time before applying to college, and that's probably stupid of me. If it keeps looking like this, I'll most likely be here all the time until I'm at least twenty. And that's only if I get accepted."

Tyler really doesn't understand why he's telling him this, but it doesn't bother him. He may just need to get it out.

"There's a lot of colleges here, you'll be okay. These things take time, you shouldn't let it stress you out so much." Tyler shakes his head softly when realizing he sounds like some kind of shrink.

Jordan gives a careful smile. "You're right." He utters. "What college did you go to?"

Quickly, Tyler's throat gets tight at the question. "Uh, I. . . I didn't go to college."

"Oh, why?" Jordan wonders.

Tyler sighs, chugging the rest of the champagne and already beginning to pour more into his glass once he's done. He looks back to Jordan afterwards, biting his cheek. "I was born in Ohio, and eventually, I moved here. I wasn't thinking about college then and I'm still not." He breathes in and out. "Besides, I have a well-paying job that gets me a roof over my head and food in my stomach. I think I'm okay."

Jordan hums. "Maybe I shouldn't go to college."

Tyler's eyes widen. "No, no. That's not what I was trying to get at. You should definitely go to college. It's going to help you so much in the long run."

He watches a smile make its way onto Jordan's face. "I know," he chuckles. "I want to go to college. Live in the dorms. Meet new people." He pauses, chuckling even more at the thought. "Maybe it will be like those movie scenes where my dormmate will help a man out when he's in need, if you know what I mean."

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