Suddenly, an Anbu member came up behind me. "Naruto Uzumaki, you are needed at the hospital."

"Huh? Why?"

The Anbu member seemed to pause. "She has finally woken up." She said.

My eyes widened and I had a huge smile grow on my face. There's the energy I'm so accustomed to. "Yeah, alright! I knew she would wake up, believe it!" Laughing I ran to the hospital. When I got there, I didn't wait I just ran towards her room. Barging in, I see she is unhooked from all the machines she was and I tackled her into a hug. "You're finally up, Sataki-San." I said feeling the tears start to come down again.

She put her hand to the back of my head pulling me closer. I didn't care that I had tackled her out of the bed I was just happy that she is now awake. Her grip tightens on me a little before I decide to let her go.

But only to be hit in the back of my head. Why does this always happen to me? "Ow," I rub the part where I was hit looking up to see that it was granny Tsunade who hit me. "Why'd you hit me granny Tsunade?" I asked standing up.

"You could have broken one of her bones, Naruto." She scolded.

Suddenly, Kakashi-sensei proofed in the room pulling her in a hug tighter than mine. I laughed. "Hey, Kakashi-sensei, don't break any of her bones or-" I was cut off as granny Tsunade glared at me. So scary, I shivered in thought.

Kakashi-sensei looked from me to granny Tsunade and back before giving us one of his smiles. Which is hard to tell because of the mask. I mean why does he hide it anyway. I start to smile at the numerous reasons it could be. He just glared at me. "Ah!" Why does he always seem to know what I'm thinking. While Tsunade starts talking about Sataki-San rehabilitation with Kakashi-sensei, I zoned out and thought of how I was gonna make her ramen for all the times she made me ramen.

"You got that, Naruto?"

"Wait, huh. Could you, uh, repeat that." They just started at me in disbelief before completely ignoring me. "Huh, sorry if I got lost in thought?" I said before remembering my ramen idea and leaving.

I ran home to see I'd I could find the recipe. I mean, it's only fair if I am able to do it her style. Suddenly, Kakashi-sensei proofed in. "Naruto!" I fell from the chair I was standing on. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Trying to find that recipe so I can make her ramen." I explained getting up. His one eye widened before I went to a certain drawer. Opening it, I peek over to see what he is grabbing only to find the recipe in his hand. I was shocked, but then again, he has helped make it before.

"Kakashi-sensei, can you help me make Sataki-San homemade ramen, please." He smiled saying, "sure, I'm glad you asked." It took a while, but we made the ramen. I'm not sure if it's any good, but it's for Sataki-San so we did our best.

Tsunade pov

After Kakashi left to find Naruto, I pulled out the bingo book. "Hey, Sataki."

She looked up in response. "I know you have been through a lot, and quite frankly I believe you won't be able to handle this, but I found out who this "boss" is that your, uh, father was obsessed with."

She perked up a little. She is interested. "Well," I handed her the bingo book.

"The one called Yuhan is this 'boss' while the ones in front are in some kind of relation with him." She opened it to the page.

Sataki pov

I opened the bingo book to the page which holds number one most deadly.

Name: Reaper-sama.

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