chapter eight

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"WOOO YEAH!!!" Ashton screamed as he raced the motorcycle through the empty parking lot that was next to the club.

"I'll get him," Calum groaned. "Ashton!!!" He yelled but Ashton didn't even acknowledge Calum's existence.

Calum ran over to the parking lot and began talking to one of the biker dudes.

"Whatss Calum doing??" Kayla looked around trying to see Calum.

"He'ss gunnaa get hit by a bike," Michael laughed.

Kayla started laughing too, "That would be soo funnyy!!"

Luke glared at them, "That would not be funny!!"

Michael poked Luke's dimple, "Don'tt be stuuupid, Lucas. I can telll yourr mom."

"Why are drunk people so weird?!" Sydney spoke up, fucking finally.

"Ugh not as much weird as they are fucking annoying," I replied.

"True.." Luke agreed.

"I'm not annoying!!" Michael exclaimed.

"Helll, I'mm not even drruunk!!" Kayla laughed.

"Yeah you are!!" Michael giggled as he touched her hair again.

"You're drunk, sillly! I'm not drunkk!!" Kayla giggled.

"You're lyiiing!!" Michael smiled at her.

"Nuh uh!!!!!" She squealed back.

"Uhhhh Chelsea!!! Let us go inside!!!" Michael complained.

"You want to go inside and get even more drunk until you pass out?" I said to him.

"I jusst wanna have funnn!!!!" He groaned.

"Girls just wanna have fun!! Girls they wanna have fuun!!" Kayla started singing and Michael giggled a stupid giggle.

Then Michael's face became as serious as a stupid, drunk person's face can get as he said, "I'm an adult, I can leave if I want to and you can't change it!! I'm 21 years-"

"22.." Luke corrected him.

"What?!" Michael stared blankly at Luke.

"I'm 19!!!!" Kayla yelled out.

"Hey, she got that one right," Sydney said, laughing.

I rolled my eyes, "Kayla, nobody cares."

"I doooo!!" Michael raised his hand.

"You don't count," I told Michael.

"I want to count though!" Michael whined.

"You count to me," Kayla smiled at him.

"Haha Chelsea!! I do count!!" Michael taunted in his drunk voice.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at the same time. Drunk people were extremely irritating, yet hilarious at once.

Then Calum came trotting back to our little group and told us, "Umm, so Ashton joined this biker gang and they're saying he can't leave now.. And he doesn't want to.."

"What the hell?!" This Ashton guy was so fucking weird.

"I wannaa join!!" Kayla giggled.

"Yeahhh!! Let's join, guys!!!" Michael smiled at us all.

"Ughh, I'll go talk to them.." I groaned.

"I'll come too!" Sydney said.

"Well, Sydney you can't go by yourself, I'll come too," Calum winked at her.

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