Addicted To A World Untrue

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It was her third, maybe fourth time visiting, I could tell she was hooked. Maybe it's the freshness of the air, or the flowers, or the loneliness. Either way, I knew she wanted to stay because that's how they get you. They sell you a little bit- little trials- so you can taste how life could be here. You stop and smell the roses of how things were when you were "happy".

I first recognized her by the falls. At the time I thought it was too good to be true. They're still uploading junkies to the cloud? We don't get many newcomers. Not as many as before. Not saying that it's a bad thing, the last thing I need is a crowded paradise.

That's what pushed me in the direction of drugs in the first place, the crowded chaos called the "real world" and having to be aware of all the bullshit. I was so aware that all I wanted was to run away. Run away from it all. At first, they thought I was just stressed, then depressed, then dissociative. Those gave way to some of the best drugs... Then, when they didn't work hard enough anymore, I turned to stronger narcotics.

Then, when my addiction became far too much to handle, my family tried to get me help. They sent me to rehab. In rehab, I had access to a shrink. I loved that bitch. When she saw I was more addicted to being unaware than anything else, she recommended me to this digital program for sad junkies like me. They called it Escape then (I know right, how original), I couldn't tell you what they are calling it now.

Anyway, long story summarized, the chaos is what drew me to drug abuse, I don't need that here. I wonder what drew her to addiction.

We don't get many returned newcomers, so I know she was going to be here to stay.

"You're staring again," Micah said. He was chewing on a stale piece of gum that was starting to smell like his breath. "If you keep it up, she'd see you."

"And what makes you think I give a shit?" I snapped back. "I'm a big boy, I can handle my own." I found how ironic that sounded coming from me after I closed my mouth.

"Nomi, don't get too attached. You don't know her, let alone if she's here for good."

"Whatever man, this is her like.. Third time back here, man. I know she's here to stay." I rolled my eyes. He kept talking, but I let his words fade into white noise as I turned my attention back to the new girl, if one could call her that. Four times in the span of a month might make you something more than a newcomer. Micah was still talking when I jumped down into the meadow where she sat. Content and alone, singing to herself.

Her energy felt pure, humming to the grass and columbine. Her shoulders were soft and forgiving, and her hair short and curly. Her hands looked as delicate as the flowers she picked, and she turned to me.

"Here, for the one that watches." she smiled, voice strong and young. Her face held round and kind features. Nothing like mine, which expressed firmness and housed eyes that knew too much. "What should I call you?"

I stooped down beside her on the grass and columbine, picked the blossoms from her fingers, and smiled. "Nomi."

"Zuri," she said. "It's nice to finally meet someone."

This may sound dramatic, but if there was a future, I heard it on her lips that day. And if I knew any better I would've stayed far away. 

Note: So? Let me know how you feel about this story in the comments! - ivy

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