Coffee with a Side of Blackbourne

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Of course, it was today that I just had to be late. Why did I stay up so late to study?! I knew something like this was going to happen. 

Rushing to my car I double check to make sure I had all my supplies for school, my bag, notes, pencils, extra pencils, pens, water bottle, phone. Good, I got everything. 

I quickly open my door and very gently chuck everything in my hands over to the passenger side of the car and hop in, pressing the button to open the garage door as I shut my own car door with more force than I need to.

It was as I went to grab my keys from the next that I realised I had forgotten my purse and with it my keys, inside the house. 

I swung open the car door and made a dash for the house door on the other side of the garage, trying to be gentle with opening the door as to not wake my baby sister, Marie, up I reached a hand and felt blindly for my purse. One I find purchase on the object I quietly shut the door then dash back to my car. 

Finally pulling out of my driveway I let myself glance down at the clock first taking note of the minutes, :47. I only took eightish minutes to get ready, it's not a record but still, that's fast. I then take note of the whole time, 6:47. 

For a moment I just wanted to slam on my brakes and scream as loud as I could but I withheld and show an amazing exercise if I do say so myself.

Well, it's better to be early than late, especially on an exam day. Gods, could you imagine if I was late for my last exam.

Deciding that since I was so early I would stop at my local coffee shop, Timmy's, for some caffeine and breakfast. 

Within minutes I was pulling into to the parking lot of Timmy's, eyeing the drive-thru line and decided that it would be much quicker if I went in to order. 

Walking in I spot a few of the regulars at the tables, you know the older people who don't have to work anymore and just want to chat with friends, and some other people who had the same idea as me waiting for their order 

Walking up to the counter and waiting for someone to take my order I spot Fran, my childhood babysitter's best friend, bustling about among the other employees. She was amazing, sometimes when she was working and I ordered she would slip me an extra timbit (doughnut hole) or two. 

It was only a few seconds more that I had to wait before a worker came to take my order, unfortunately, it wasn't Fran. I ordered a medium iced-coffee and a basic egg, bacon, biscuit breakfast sandwich. 

Moving over to the area where people wait for their orders I contemplate my upcoming English exam. It was my last exam of the year for grade 11 (junior year) and then I would be on summer vacation, and since I was a fairly fast writer I should be done within about two hours and then I could go back home and catch up on my much-needed sleep. 

I was jerked from my thoughts by Fran calling my order, walking to the counter I saw that it was a large ice-coffee instead of a medium and had to grin up at Fran thankfully. 

"Sorry Miss, we are all out of medium cups at the moment. I hope you don't mind that I put your coffee in a large cup." Fran sounded apologetic to the blind ear but I knew she was faking it and was confirmed when she winked at me at the end. 

Nodding my head I managed to speak around my grin, "Of course, no problem."

Walking to the door with my iced-coffee and breakfast sandwich in both hands I turn around so that I can open up the door without using my hands. 

As I'm turning around and about to walk towards my car I collide with someone, because of the force of impact the iced-coffee that I'm holding spilt a little and stained the white dress shirt of the person I just ran over. 

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