🌸C H A P T E R 18

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I frowned. "Fine. You better get back to your Dad."

"He's not my dad!" He yelled out. He stormed off before I could say another word.

"Why do you hate him so much?" I said, following him.

"Cuz people like you who ruin the world exist! Why did you hurt him? You made him this way!" He snapped.

"I didn't do anything.."

"Yes you did. YOU MADE HIM GAY!" He said. He ran off into the crowd.

I watched him run in with the most confused look on my face.

How is Adrian being gay my fault? I had nothing to do with that...

And I DID NOT break his heart! He broke mine...

I shrugged and walked to the nearest store on the street, H&M. I could feel myself getting a weird vibe again, too many people around....

So many people, it's too scary.

I force myself to go out with Ezra, knowing it sets me on edge when I go out. I still feel like I've chosen the wrong school to go to, New York is too damn big for a person with bad anxiety like me.

While I'm here, I might as well look for an outfit for Ezra and I's surprise date....




"Ezra would you shut the hell up? I don't want Adam catching us up here!" Celina snapped. Tally came running back to the pallet on the floor we all made.

"The popcorn is ready!! What happened now?" Tally said, shoving popcorn in her mouth.

"Nothing! Era you've seen this movie about a hundred times! You knew the guy was gonna gouge the hook in his chin!" Celina said.

"Well excuse me for being dramatic. This isn't anything new!" I snapped back.

"I Know What You Did Last Summer is a cheesy movie name." Tally giggled.

"I know right? The 90s were a weird time..." I replied, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

A notification popped up on my phone, our heads shot towards my phone quickly. I checked it to see what it was, it was an unknown number.

"It was nice to see you all of these years Era."

"What the hell...?" I said, causing both Tally and Celina to bust out into laughter.

"It's the hash slinging slasher!! Oooh!" Tally said, wiggling her fingers while making a ghostly moan.

"Move you friggin weirdo...whoever this is better leave me the hell alone!" I said, while immediately blocking the number.

"You're not gonna tell Adam?" Celina said with a brow raised.

"Nope. I don't want him bugging into my business! I can handle my own." I said confidently.

"No you can't!" Tally and Celina both said in unison. They busted out laughing together. I gave them both the nastiest looks ever.

"Don't look at us like that. You know you cannot handle yourself. You need to tell him, better yet the police!" Tally said.

"Yeah, that's a bright idea!" Celina said sarcastically. "Why didn't you think of that Ezra?"

"Go to hell!" I said, flipping them both off.

Just then, I heard the locks clicking. The three of us shot up and stared at the door, just waiting to see who is coming through the door.

"All right, party's over. Get out..." Adam said with a snarky smile. Tally and Celina groaned and gathered their things to leave. I shot Adam a deadly stare. He shrugged and held the door for them to leave.

"Why'd you kick my friends out??" I exclaimed.

"Because baby, it's just you and I tonight."

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