🌸C H A P T E R 1

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Sitting in your ole Monte Carlo.

Anti plays softly in the only speakers in my room. Everything else was pack and placed neatly in a bin. I was getting ready for the next moment of my life.


At freshly 17, a minor with a 4.0 gpa, I could get into any college I could possibly put my hands on. But this choice was simple, NYU.

I've never really been to the north. Its always been the south side of Chicago for me, high crime and blood bath.

It was time for me to get the hell out of here.

Sure I will miss some things, like my friends Tally and Celina. My besties since 5th grade, we've been through everything together. Parties, heavy drinking, smoking loud, and guys.

You guessed it, I'm gay.

If it wasn't so obvious...right?

I love myself. I love my life, I love my way of living in my sexuality. Its just that I'm so freaking tired of getting my heart broken.

Niggas play too damn much.

Alight, let me stop before I get mad and my room is upside down... again.

I hear a slight knock on my slightly cracked door. In comes wobbling in my 2 year old sister Emeli. My smile grew wide and I picked up my favorite baby girl.

"Hi baby!" I cooed at her. She giggled and started to drool on my favorite shirt. I didn't care, as long as it was her.

My dad comes barging in my room and immediately turns off my music.

"I'm sick of that bass! Stop playing that sinful music, Emeli doesn't need to hear that." He snapped. I rolled my eyes.

"Dad. She's barely 3. What's the worst thing she's gonna say?" I said.

"Boo boo!" she squealed.

Almost instantly, dad and I turned up our noses and started to gag.

"Here dad, take lil sis. I need to finish packing." I said, grabbing my nose and squeezing it. He took my little sister and ran out of the room.

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