Fire With Fire (First of The Creators Saga)

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She never knew him on Gallifrey. She only knew of him by the rumors of him and her friend, the Master. The Doctor and the Master, never to be separated.

She never knew him personally. She never got to know him with her friend. She spent her time studying to become one of the Creators, one of the inventors of the most useful and luxurious devices of Gallifrey.

Or the most dangerous. It was her weapon that destroyed Gallifrey. It was the Doctor that used it. And she hates him for it.

When the two clash fire with more fire, one of them is going to get burned. But will it be the Doctor, the one who destroyed Gallifrey? Or will it be the Alchemist, the one who created the Moment?


A small introduction for you while I start on the prologue. :) It'll take place on Gallifrey, before we launch into "Dalek," when the Doctor and the Alchemist officially meet.

As you can tell, they don't exactly . . . like each other right off the bat. But you know my series if you've read "The Bad Wolf Chronicles" and made it through "Struggling To Adjust". Sometimes, you just never know. ;)

I'll get the prologue up as soon as I can so you see what the Alchemist is made of!

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