Part 002

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You could read the ebook on Amazon, the first chapter is open to the public.

Please listen to the youtube Audiobook!

Below I'm just going to talk about the chapters and a little of the background story, please enjoy!

This next chapter was an interesting nightmare.

Originally, I didn't want to disclose anything about the zombies! I'd figured that we saw this story a billion times and we don't need to see another one. Also, I wanted my story to loosely connect with other existing zombie stories. I thought that was an awesome idea. Well that's what I thought. My reviewer of "Missing Person" thought otherwise; she just couldn't get her self wrapped into thinking as how and why this story has zombies. And it bothered her and assumed the zombies were tossed in the story so I could write goreporn.

Lol I don't need zombies to write goreporn... I wanted to write a different type of a zombie story.

I really wished I saved the review's email address and name. Her review was most helpful even though it was a bad review on my script. I would love to thank her and send her a copy of my book. (I've looked through my old files and I cannot find that email. I thought I saved it but I guess I didn't.)

My back was against the wall. I had to write something about the zombies and I felt the need that I must write this passage early in the story. The question was how.

In my story, I know the zombies existed and I didn't want man (or woman) find a logical reason for their existence. Why should they? Thinking deeper... How? If a Top Secret Lab released a chemical then how on Earth would anybody knew if the Top Secret Lab was behind the menace... Really, the lab is Top Secret therefore nobody would know. If the zombies were a creation from some wizard, reading a passage from a book or released from some secret tomb insides a movie house... well how would anybody know? And I didn't see it that bothersome to the characters especially for those born after the zombies existed.

Like I'd mentioned earlier. I wanted my zombie story to connect with all other zombie stories that were made in the 1970's to the 1980's. And this chapter was loaded with references to those stories. But I was compelled to explain something that I wanted to be originally unknown. Even though I hinted several possibilities I've strongly suggested that the zombies were creation of ___________________ (ok I won't spoil it!). But it was this chapter that got me thinking of a possibility of the reason behind the zombies.

This chapter also altered my original story – to the better.

The direction of the chapter was an interesting take because it was intended to inform the reader about the zombies – not the characters in the story. I decided to make the chapter a second person point of view. This chapter blows my editor's mind; because I went from third and semi-first (HIM point of view) to Second person. Yeah, I know it sounds insane but it seemed like the perfect direction for the chapter. Yet, I also wanted the chapter to sound more entertaining and less preachy. So I sort of modeled my second chapter from "The Hitchhikers Guide of the Galaxy." And throughout the book you'll read references about a Headhunters playbook.

Why in 2 parts?

Sorry I cannot explain at this point because it would spoil an awesome scene in the story. Those that read my story know what I'm talking about.

Since it was about the science behind, I decided to play with some of my ideas that I was looking for a reason to write. In the script, Javanese was referred as an ex-zombie Headhunter and he had two flashbacks. Though the scenes were very short they were sort of Mad Max-ish meets Boris Vallego (but less fantasy and more gore/horror). In this chapter I was able to get into more details about the 25/30 years of zombie killing evolution. I've always pictured man and woman kicking zombie butts. Because of the firepower!

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