Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Gilbert was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. He might not have had the same severe problems that Ludwig had from the war, but he still suffered. He hadn't eaten in...a few days now. He had made sure Ludwig at least ate a little bit when he returned home late. As bitter as the younger Bielschdmit was, Gil really did still love his brother. He didn't know how angry the blond truly was.

It was true, Gil was friends with both England and France.

It was true, Gil had an impressive fighting force and empire.

It was again true, that Gil did not help Ludwig much after the war.

And it was even truer, nothing broke the albino's heart like seeing his little brother struggling to fix a war torn country with the Allies breathing down his neck.

Yet, Gil did nothing. He could, but he didn't. When he helped unify the German kingdoms and make one Germany, he gave Ludwig a lot of responsibility. He gave Ludwig a country and all the pain and stress that came with it. His little brother needed to learn how to cope with wars, both lost and won. And that's what he was doing, watching Ludwig learn.

Maybe that made him and awful brother. Maybe that made him cruel and neglectful, but still, in the end, he loved his little brother.

He loved that little blond boy he raised and he would see him through this.

Little did Gil know just how polar he and Ludwig felt about each other these days.

Ludwig on the other hand, was quite busy. Ever since his little blow up in his office, things had changed.

He met with friends and close advisors, all on his own he built secret forces. Brown shirts to slip into the Weimar Republic and oust the other parties, so his new one would take over. He started the National Socialist German Workers Party, he lead it and appointed his close and trusted colleagues, people who would blindly follow him anywhere, who didn't have enough of a backbone to stand up to him.

He would crumble the Allies puppet government from inside and take it over. He would run it with the Nazi party. With that under way, he turned to important manners.

He created thousands of jobs, breaking more rules and allowing the steel workers to go back to their factories and build ships and planes. He had auto workers go back and start assembling army trucks and tanks. Gunsmiths made rifles and handguns by the hundreds. Bullets, bombs, missiles, grenades, and mortars were made and packaged in government buildings he had managed to take over.

Tailors started to make uniforms, a grey color. Cobblers pieced together leather boots.

Ludwig kept paying his debts slowly to the Allies, so they wouldn't come and pop in on his country. He and his party members had a massive campaign, showing off all the jobs they had created.

Democratically, the Nazi Party stormed and dominated the government with now, virtually no competition.

Ludwig had rallies where he spoke to the people. At first there were very few who came to see. Yet as his name grew known and popular, and the party grew in size and power, the entire city it seemed would come to his rallies.

And by that new popularity, Ludwig managed to get hundreds of thousands of German men to join him and his 'work force.'

It took three years for Ludwig to do all of this. By this point of time, Gil was getting concerned a little. He saw the rules of the bullshit treaty being demolished, but he couldn't stop it. He didn't know everything of course, Ludwig kept him well in the dark.

By this time, the Allies were getting moderately interested and extremely frustrated. They could not find the illegal cars, guns, ships, or planes, or prove that they were new.

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