Why We Do This.

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Hi everyone! Earlier I got a private message asking why do we 'specify' black authors.

Hi everyone! Earlier I got a private message asking why do we 'specify' black authors

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I was gonna post a whole essay on this but maybe later. I'm too tired rn.

But guys,do I really HAVE to explain

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But guys,do I really HAVE to explain. Is it that hard to understand?

 Is it that hard to understand?

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This was my reply...

Not to call her out but she literally makes books about her not knowing the privilege that she has and acting like some victim as if she goes through things BECAUSE OF HER RACE which by the way

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Not to call her out but she literally makes books about her not knowing the privilege that she has and acting like some victim as if she goes through things BECAUSE OF HER RACE which by the way....we do.

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