Angels Camp

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Angels Camp, California was a small town, less than 5,000 people. I got permission from Zeus in a dream, he seemed quite eager for me to go. He had already arranged tickets to LAX for the next day. Grover game me his Lotus Casino card, and I was off.

I walked down the street to a small restaurant where I was supposed to meet this person. I soon found him, because the mortals didn't see him, and he was wearing a cloak for Hades sake!

"Perseus Jackson?"

"I prefer Percy," I shifted around in my seat. "What's with the get up?"

"I am Chaos, creator of the universe. Father of Gaea and Uranus." He said, ignoring my question.

"Well, um, that's cool. What do you want?" He laughed.

"Only you, son of Poseidon, would say that." He flipped down his hood, revealing himself to look like an actor An- SHE liked. Benedict something-or-other.

"Why do you look like Benedict Curdlesnot?"

"I'm pretty sure it's Cumberbatch."

"Bless you." He sighed.

"I want you to join my army."

"Um, what? Your army's not evil, is it?"

"Of course not! Who do you think I am, Uranus?"

"No, I do not think that your my a-"

"Don't you dare-"


"I didn't know that humans would name an awkward part of the body- wait I did. That's why I named him that."

"So. Uranus is evil?"

"Yes. He is gathering an army of the strongest monsters to avenge the death of his wife, who was also his sister... 'Verse, that's nasty."

"You know, you don't make a very good dad. Naming your kid Uranus, and then letting him marry his sister?"

"Who then got it on with her younger brother."

"Gross. Let's never discus this again."

"I was trying to make you part of my army..."

"Okay, since your not evil, I'll join your army. It's not like I have any life worth living, now that..." He interrupted me. Rude.

"Great! Now, we have to fake your death."


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