A day off from work will change your love life drastically....

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Kyungsoo's day was fairly average, his life was stressful, so lots of events in a day was common. On this particular day he worked so hard, he was granted a whole two weeks off as a thank you. Kyungsoo appreciated the gesture by his company, his rest was most definitely well deserved, but due to all the work he was used to getting--not getting work stressed him even more. To satisfy his craving to do something before he fell asleep, he created a profile on a dating app. It was called Tinder (short for tiny Indian noses do eat reindeers). After setting up a not well planned out profile he passed out.

The next morning, the sun beamed into his room. He promptly sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He lazily dragged his feet to the shower and oooh boy that shit was sexy.  After taking a shower he was more alert. He fixed himself a hearty breakfast, he took his phone and unlocked it. He saw he had thirty notifications from tinder!!!! Who could've been interested in him and his lame profile?? Apparently thirty people were.

28 of these people were girls however, and unfortunately Kyungsoo was 99.9% gay, the .1% was left in his heart for a girl named y/n which he had a dream about when he was 14. So after politely denying each girl he went to check the two males.  One was named Tom Riddle, Kyungsoo was immediately repulsed by the mans lack of nose and deleted him. The other was a profile with no picture and simply the name 'Harry'. With nothing to lose but time, Kyungsoo began to message him.

K: Hi... uh I know this is an awkward message, but I'm really just here looking for a friend rather than a long term relationship. But if you're willing to chat then that'd be great!
H: Hey! It's great to hear from you! And I'm actually extremely busy all the time so looking for a long term relationship wouldn't work out for me either!! I look forward to future conversations with you :)

The two chatted for four days almost non stop. And by the end of the fourth day Kyungsoo had to face the facts. He was in love with Harry. He had everything he was looking for. He had the perfect sense of humor, a sense of hardship and understanding. No other words but perfect could be used to describe him. Kyungsoo didn't know how to handle these feelings. Does he tell him? Should he hide it? They're both busy all the time it would it even work out? After pondering about this for hours he came to a conclusion, he had to tell Harry. If Harry didn't feel the same, the pain he'd feel from the heart break would eventually ebb away from distraction at work.

K: ...
K: Harry I have something important to tell you but idk how you'd take it
K: honestly I'm afraid
K: I kinda regret sending the first message cuz now I have to face it
K: ha ha
H: Kyungsoo we've become so close these past few days. We've told each other so much, we're connected. Nothing you say would damage how I see you
K:... that's great to hear
K: but I'm still scared
K: I think... I might be failing for you
H: .....
H: .....
H: ....
K: Harry? Please answer
K: the silence is worse than rejection
H: I just don't know how to take this
H: We agreed there'd be no baggage and I had no idea that it'd be the same
K: ...what would be the same?
H: ..........
H:...... my feelings...... Kyungsoo..... if we're being honest I fell in love with you the minute I saw your profile
K: really!? Why didn't you say anything!?
H: my life is so busy, I barely get to see most mug... people. I'm so busy with the work I told you about, and how stressed I am. I just didn't want to drag you down. Kyungsoo you're so beautiful and great. ....you deserve better than me
K: ... now I'm at a loss for words
K: Harry, I love you so much. You won't drag me down you'll raise me up with your greatness
H:.... that means a lot to me.... I don't even have a profile set up, you haven't even seen a picture of what I look like but I know this is real.
H:..... can we meet up tonight?

And with that message Kyungsoo jumped up with joy and immediately got himself prepared and could not contain his excitement. He was going to meet Harry! The one person on this earth who understands exactly what he's going through!
Kyungsoo headed out to the restaurant they decided on. He stood there in dark jeans and a button down shirt, extremely nervous. He shifted his feet nervously as he awaited his date. He felt a tap on his shoulder, his heart leaped to his throat. He turned, but it was the waitress. "You've been standing there waiting for twenty minutes...would you like to take a table...?"
"No, no. He'll be here soon. I'm sure of it."
Time passes, soon twenty minutes became an hour and Kyungsoo slumped into a chair that the waitress provided him.
He continued to wait, feeling foolish for going out, for waiting all this time, for not giving up. The waitress stayed by his side trying to console him. She was saying comforting words, and offered to have dinner with him when her shift was over. But Kyungsoo still insisted that he'd be coming. Despite being three hours late.

The waitress got up to clock out, and promised to be right back. Kyungsoo didn't care... all he wanted was Harry. The Harry he spoke to through the phone.  Kyungsoo's eyelids began to feel heavy and started to close. But soon they fluttered open to the feeling of soft lips on his.  The person who was kissing him... unknown but felt familiar. He had blue eyes, round glasses, and a little scar on his forehead. "Kyungsoo! I'm so sorry! I got held up at my 'work' and couldn't make it. I lost my phone so I couldn't contact you! You're ridiculous! How could you wait nearly four hours for a date to show up!" Harry kissed him again and apologized over and over.
Kyungsoo couldn't deny the twinge of disappointment he felt seeing that Harry was indeed NOT Harry Styles.
They ate their dinner together, and gleefully spoke until Harry suddenly got serious. He pulled out a small box. "I know I'm crazy Kyungsoo, but once you know you just know. I love you so much, will you marry me!?"

Kyungsoo obviously said yes, and their wedding is going to be this June 16th and you're invited! See you at the wedding!

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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