The Interview

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Me and all the other Angel Radio members decided to go on a walk around town, maybe to stop by someplace for some lunch. All of a sudden, I notice a guy in a trench coat at an outside burger joint. I continue watching the man and he starts walking over to a table with three other really good looking men. I study the four men and realize who they were.

"Guys!!" I squealed at the others, jumping around.
"What?" They all asked, looking at me like I'm crazy.
"Look over at the burger joint, table all the way to the left. Do you see who those men are?!" I point at the four men. My friends observe the area to where I was pointing, and their eyes grew wide.
"Holy shit! That's the Winchester's! And Jack and Castiel!" Jacob exclaimed.
"DUDE!" Emily shouted at us.
"wHaT?" Rose shouted back.
"We should interview them! For the hunters page!"
"yo- you're such a genius wtf."

We got our recording devices out and started towards the burger joint.

"Wait." Shaun said, stopping us in our tracks.
"What?" I asked.
"What if they think we're weird?"
"Like you're not." I said back to him, and we all continued walking to their table. Shaun gave me a funny look and rolled his eyes, following us.

"Hi Winchesters. Jack, Castiel." I said to them, smiling.

"hI!!!!" Maria said, way too excited and smiling uncontrollably.
"Maria, please chill." Jacob told her.

"Hi guys..?" Dean said, putting his burger down. "Who are y'all?"

Duh. We didn't introduce ourselves. Like 15 teens just walked up to these 4 hunting men.

"Umm we are the people who run the website, Hunting. 'Saving people, hunting things'? I'm assuming you've heard of it since you guys are the most famous hunters in the hunting community?"

"Oh yeah! It's nice to meet you guys!" Sam smiled. "I didn't expect the people who run it to be so young!"

"What is this 'Hunting' website you say?" The blue-eyed angel asked, tilting his head and squinting his eyes a little.

"Uh, basically they write about hunters, how to be one, weapons for killing certain things." Sam explains.

"And they do interviews on hunters whenever they get a chance." Dean adds, looking at us excited. "So uh, you guys are going to interview us?"

"Yeah! An interview with the most famous hunters would be great for our page." Emily explains.

"Cool! So uh what do we do?" The older Winchester asks.

"We're just gonna ask you guys some questions, and you answer them honestly. Your voice will be recorded in this little recording device. Just like all the other interviews we've done, if you've ever listened to them."

"Ok, I'm ready!" Jack says with a big smile.

"Hello fellow hunters! Welcome back to another hunter interview on the hunting page. Today we have four very special hunting men for our interview today! We have the Winchester brothers, the angel Castiel, and the special Nephilim Jack!" I said into the mic, starting the interview.

"Hey fellow hunters." They all said.

"So our first question will be going to the young Winchester brother, Sam." Lorena said.
"Sam, we don't try to make you feel sad, but where do you think you'd be in life if Jess was still alive? Would you have continued the hunting career with Dean?"

Sam thought for a second, looking at Dean. "I think that Jess and I could've gotten married, but with demons and stuff getting in the way, I dont know. Dean and I probably wouldn't be this close. And none of this stuff would've happened. But who knows."

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