A Stupid Question

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To prevent any further brain damage, Jordon turned off his phone. He really wished he wasn't here right now, but that's gonna be a little bit harder than it sounds.

Okay, no more panicking this time, Jord.  How and why did you get here and is there a way for you to get out? Those were the main questions Jordon had to answer, but sadly, he didn't really know where to start.

He stared into the ceiling of his bunk; he was honestly stuck at this point.

The door that lead to the lounge slammed open, the guys' feet stomped the feet of the bus, imitating an earthquake. Jordon let out a pain-filled groan.

Dylan opened what's left of Jordon's tattered bunk curtain. "Jordy!" He yelled with enthusiasm. "C'mon out, shithead!" He smacked Jordon's face repeatedly.

"I'm up, I'm up, I'm up!" Jordon's voice was raspy and tired sounding. He crawled out of his bunk and followed the others without a second thought.

Once he reached the outside, it felt like breathing slightly fresher air. Emphasis on "slightly" because the American air is complete crap, but to Jordon, any air is so much better than the one in the tour bus.

Jordon took a deep breath in, cherishing all the fresh air before heading back inside that hell of a tour bus.

The tour bus was parked right in front of the venue, as for the venue itself, it was pretty standard for a venue, actually it looked kinda familiar to Jordon.

"Hey, where are we right now?" He nudged Aron's shoulder, because he's the only sane person he could talk to.

"Oh, uhh, Portland, Oregon." Aron answered.

"Well, yeah- but, no, like- what venue are we at right now?" Jordon corrected himself.

"Ah," Aron nodded. "Mcmenamins Crystal Ballroom. Why'dya ask?" Aron tilted his head.

Jordon shook his head. "Oh, nothin'. I just forgot."

"You forget a lot of things, Jordy." Aron pursed his lips. "Sometimes ya gotta lay off the cocaine."

"Cocaine?" Jordon's eyes widened, he wanted to drill holes into his ears just so that he could hear what Aron said more clearly.

"Yeah, cocaine."

Aron let out a cough, a possible sign of awkwardness and uncomfortability. To prevent further cumbersomeness, Jordon let out possibly the most stupid and ironically cumbersome question that came out of his mouth so far. "So, how's Matty doin'?"

Absolutely stupid. A stupid question indeed.

"Mmmmatty?" Aron dragged his words, his eyebrows furrowed, concentrating.

"Y'know, Matty, the one who's possibly gonna be the pres?" Jordon gestured his hands.

"Oh, that Matty, um..." Aron narrowed his eyes, biting his lips.

Jordon tilted his head. "What's wrong?" He held onto the fear that he did something terribly wrong, which isn't too far from the truth.

"Well," Aron scratched the back of his head. "didn't ya say that you weren't gonna talk about him anymore? Much less think or mention him?"

"I said that?" Jordon blurted out, he was much too curious to care about that at the moment, but he will eventually.

"Uhh, yeah?" Aron scrunched his face.

"What happened between us? Did I say something bad?" Jordon held Aron by the shoulders.

"Well, I dunno, you think I'd know?" Aron shrugged. "I mean from what Jay told me, you got mad 'cause Matt was more passionate about politics than music and cut y'all off, you still follow him on the socials though which doesn't make a lotta sense, but I won't judge what y'all do with y'alls life."

"Huh, is that so?" Jordon slowly let go off Aron's shoulders.

"Hey, motherfuckers!" George yelled, carrying two carriers of Starbucks drinks. "C'mon, get your asses movin'! We don't got all day, y'know?"

"Ah, comin'!" Aron replied reluctantly, he jogged his way to George, his lanky build making him look increasingly stupid. Jordon shook his head and brisk walked his way instead.

"C'mon, you pansies! Don't wanna be late for our concert, you dumb fucks!" George's raspy voice echoed into Jordon's ears. A shiver went down Jordon's spine, and frankly, down other parts as well, but let's not go there, not yet at least.

Jordon reluctantly shook it off as something like the climate. "What the fuck was that?" He thought to himself.

Arina was standing right behind George, she poked her head out of George's built physique. "You heard the man, folks. Get your asses movin'!" She hooted.

"So this universe has George and Arina as some kind of dynamic duo or some shit?" Jordon thought out loud. "Wack."

Aron accidentally went several strides too far from the two assholes, with Jordon catching up with him. "S-sorry." He gasped for air.

"Whatever." George rolled his eyes. "Here, carry these." He handed over the two cup carriers to Aron.

"Yee." Aron's voice squeaked, giving Jordon secondhand embarrassment.

"Where to, big guy?" Arina elbowed George.

"Sound check, where else?" George smirked, his aviator shades reflecting the sunlight.

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