Chapter 20:We Will Make It Out Alive

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-Chapter Title Credit:No Matter What by Papa Roach-

-----A/N:Emotional Chapter Ahead.You will probably cry.You've Been WARNED.------

"So long to all my friends

Every one of them met tragic ends

With every passing day

I'd be lying if I didn't say

That I miss them all tonight,"

Frank's throat developed a lump and his eyes watered.

He was back in school,in music class and Gerard was staring into his eyes singing in such a angelic voice it made his heart hurt.

"And if they only knew what I would say

If I could be with you tonight

I would sing you to sleep

Never let them take the light behind your eyes

One day i'll lose this fight

As we fade in the dark

Just remember you will always burn as bright,"

 Frank broke into sobs and reached a hand towards him,wishing he could be held in his arms.

But Gerard just continued to sing.

"Be strong and hold my hand

Time becomes for us,you'll understand

We'll say goodbye today 

And we're sorry how it ends this way

If you promise not to cry,"

"Gerard,please,"Frank cried out to him.

He was hurting all over and he knew the only person who could stop it was Gerard.

"Then I'll tell you just what I would say

If I could be with you tonight

I would sing you to sleep

Never let them take the light behind your eyes!

I'll fail and lose this fight 

Never fade in the dark

Just remember you will always burn as bright

The light behind your eyes

The light behind your

Sometimes we must grow stronger and

You cant be stronger in the dark

When I'm here,no longer

You must be stronger and

If I could be with you tonight 

I would sing you to sleep

Never let them take the light behind your eyes

I failed and lost this fight

I'll Keep Believing:Frerard:~Sequel to Born To Lose~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora