Chapter 2:Smiling At Everything

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-Chapter Title Credit:Therapy by All Time Low-

Frank laughed at his friend Ian's joke even though it was lame.

Frank appeared to be happy.

If you looked at him you could tell he was a bit of a outcast but other than that he appeared to be a normal teenage boy.

But his smiles never reached his eyes.

His eyes told the truth but nobody seemed to notice.

After being ripped away from Gerard and sent to foster care,he ended up moving to Baltimore with a lady named Isobel and her son Alex.

He caused a bit of trouble at first but he quickly learned that they weren't bad people.

Not in the slightest.

And very slowly he started trusting Alex.

Now Alex felt like he really was his brother.

But Frank could never get rid of the void in his heart-nor did he try.

He needed Gerard.

He only managed to stay sane by self harming.

Every time he brought a blade to his skin the memory of Gerard finding him on the bathroom floor would flash through his mind making him feel guilty....but it was the only pain he had control of.

Only Alex knew about Gerard.

He was the only person Frank felt like he could talk to.

"Hey frank you up for sneaking out to a club tonight?"His other friend Levi asked snapped Frank from his thoughtful daze.

"Hell yeah."Frank answered immediately.

"Um Frank?My mom wants to have a discussion with you tonight remember?Its really important."Alex pipped up.

Frank groaned but gave in.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow,"Alex said watching as Frank climbed to his feet.

"See ya!"Ian and Levi chanted at the same time making Frank shot them a weirded out look.

They were always doing was like they were on the same wave length or something.....

Frank stared down at his shoes as he walked home with Alex.

He was honestly a bit nervous about the 'discussion' Isobel wanted to have tonight during dinner.

Had he done something wrong?

Were they going to send him back to foster care?

He froze at the last thought.


He didn't want to leave them.

Oh god he couldn't handle anymore shit.

Alex stopped walking when he noticed Frank had come to a abrupt halt with a pale face.

"Frank?"He asked concerned.

Frank locked eyes with him nervously.

"You okay?"

No.I will never be okay.

Frank nodded.

"No your not."

And this is why he loved his brother Alex.

He knew when Frank was bullshitting.

Frank chewed his lip debating on voicing his concern.

Alex raised a eyebrow and crossed his arms silently demanding a answer.

"I uh...Just....what your mom wants to talk about....shes not going to like....send me back right?"

Alex looked stunned for a second before shaking his head furiously.

"We'd never do that to you Frank,"

Frank studied his eyes and saw he was telling the truth.

He relaxed visibly,"Sorry."

Alex simply shook his head again and smiled softly.

"Lets go home Frank."


Frank couldn't stop fidgeting.

His curiosity was going to be the death of him.

Isobel must have noticed because she finally began to speak.

"So Frank,You remember how I wanted to talk to you?"

Frank nodded nibbling on his lip ring staring intently at her.

"Well...I wanted to make sure you were okay with this....I'm being offered a new job that will pay twice as much as I receive now."

Frank stayed silent.waiting.

"But...the catch is,We would have to move."


"Where?"He asked cautiously.

The question made her naturally calm persona shift into one of nervousness.

"This is why I wanted to ask you....If your against it then that's fine we can just stay here...."

He blinked repeating his question.

"New Jersey."

 -*Creeper voice* New Jersey. Anyway what do you killjoys think?And yes Alex is Alex Gaskarth cause bitches love Alex Gaskarth.Oh and I forgot to say this before but do you see that sexy cover photo?I made that :D  sorry I'm a bit tired.Anyway ENJOY AND COMMENT! Love you,-ChemicalSkeleton

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