How this works

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so here is how the rating system will work out.

The books will be rated like this:

Cover: 0 to 5 points
Description: 0 to 5 points
Characters: 0 to 10 points
Way of writing*: 0 to 10 points
Plot: 0 to 20 points

Total: 50 points

*way of writing: in this category, Grammar mistakes will be examined, along with how easy is it for someone to understand what you write. Also, presentation will matter (long/short paragraphs). description of things will also play a very important role.

The competition will be separated in 4 phases.

Phase 1: Any books below 20 total points will be eliminated

Phase 2: any books below 30 total points will be eliminated

Phase 3 any books below 40 total points will be eliminated

Phase 4 (final): the books that weren't eliminated by the 3rd phase will compete. The one with the highest score wins

Here is how it goes.

Once you enter your book, I will read it (which is why that competition doesn't accept judges). On each phase, along with your book's score, I will give my opinion as a reader on that category.

The first three winners will be announced once the competition is over and their books will be on my reading list where only those three books will be.

Have a good day!

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