Twenty Øne (Pilots): Very Punny

Start from the beginning

"So," He says. "What's it like being the cutest guy in this place?"

"I don't know you tell me." I quip, mentally patting myself on the back for my smoothness. Dan chuckles which makes my heart flutter. I made an attractive guy laugh.

"Smooth Phil real smooth." He chuckles again. "So tell me about yourself. I want to know the real Phil."

"Ok. My name's Phil Lester (thankfully not Moe); I'm 19; I'm a student at the university around here trying to earn my English Language and Editing degrees; my favorite foods are cereal and popcorn; I love dogs, especially corgis; and I really like Muse, MCR, and Fall Out Boy." I summarize. "Now tell me about you Dan."

"Ok but just to warn you I'm really not that interesting. My name's Dan Howell; I'm 18; I'm taking a gap year from uni until I figure out what I want to do with my life; my favorite food is Crunchy Nut cereal; I also love dogs but my favorites are Shibes; I love Muse, MCR, and FOB; I play the piano; and I absolutely love cheesy puns and pick up lines." He says the last part with another cheeky wink. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yeah, I got that." We both laugh.

We kept talking and talking, we ended up spending a whole 3 hours at the restaurant. After a whole argument about who would pay (I won), Dan offers to walk me home. We continue conversing on the 10 minute walk.

"This is me," I say as we approach my building, stopping in front of the entrance. "Tonight was fun."

"Extremely." Dan adds. I giggle and before I can rethink it I lean in to give Dan a kiss on the cheek. His cheeks flushed red as I pulled away.

"See you later." I call as I hurry up the stairs to my apartment.

I went back to Starbucks everyday the following week, each day Dan wrote a new message on my cup.

Tie your shoes gorgeous. I don't want you falling for anyone else <3

If looks could kill, you'd be a weapon of mass destruction ;)

I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art <3

We're not socks. But I think we'd make a great pair ;)

Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile :)))))

We went on another two dates that week too. One on Tuesday and one on Saturday. Now it's the following Friday, and Dan and I were going to the petting zoo. I threw on my outfit, a simple navy blue jumper with black jeans and my matching navy sneakers with red laces and headed out the door. I had to meet Dan at Starbucks again because he had his shift right before.

When I got there I was surprised to see that Dan was accompanied by two other guys, about his age. They're whispering excitedly to him but when I enter they freeze. Then, the pink haired one grinned widely.

"Aww Dan he's super cute!" He said. Dan blushed furiously at her words. The pink one turned to the brown haired one. "Isn't he cute, Ty?" 'Ty' nodded with a knowing smirk on his face. Dan's blush darkened. He walked over to me and kissed my cheek.

"We'll leave soon. I just gotta finish up here quickly."

"Oh you guys go. Josh and I can take care of it from here." Ty said. Josh nodded excitedly.

"Yeah go enjoy your date lovebirds!" Then Josh turned to glare at Dan. "I expect you to give us the full run down later." He teased. Dan laughed but nodded. I thanked the two boys as Dan and I left the cafe.

"They seem really nice." I comment. Dan rolled his eyes playfully.

"Yeah they're pretty great. They've been my best friends since I started at Starbucks. I don't know what I'd do without them." He smiled fondly. I smile as well. I find it adorable how much he loves his friends. It reminds me of me and Louise.

We arrived at the petting zoo and immediately began petting everything. They had pigs; cows; llamas, which were Dan's personal favorite; they even had a pen where you could go in and hold the baby goats. As I watched Dan holding the baby and feed it, I felt a new and unfamiliar feeling. It was adoration, it was fondness, it was happiness, but mostly, it was love.

When we finished at the petting zoo, we went to the ice cream parlor nearby. I got a classic vanilla sundae and Dan got a chocolate milkshake. We sat down at the picnic table and began eating. As I looked up, I saw a familiar twinkle in Dan's eyes.

"Hey Phil," I hummed in response. "Feel my shirt," I give him a weird look but comply. "It's made of boyfriend material." I laugh so hard ice cream almost comes out of my nose.

"You're such a dork." I say between giggles. He laughs as well.

"But I do have a real question for you," I nod dismissively. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I look up at Dan in shock and he seems to rethink his decision. His usual cool and confident exterior melts away. "I mean you don't have to if you don't want to I just, we've been going out for 2 weeks and I-"

"Shut up you idiot of course I want to be your boyfriend." I chuckle. He looks up at me.


"Yeah." He smiled at me before leaning across the table.

"Your lips look lonely Lester (try saying that 5 times fast), would they like to meet mine?" My stomach does a little flip. Words fail me. All I can do is nod. Our lips collide and when they do, stars explode. Dan pulls back and I stare
into his golden eyes. He chuckles once more.

"I think I might be falling in love with you."

A/N: This turned out to be a lot longer than I thought lol.

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