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Don't take her, even though you can

Marth watched as (Y/n) talked with Ike and Link, he saw her laugh as Link tried to make Ike laugh. (Y/n) then reached up to poke Ike's nose, which made him smile. (Y/n) then raised her arms in victory, a big smile across her face. Marth couldn't help but scowl at the scene, he loved watching her have fun and smile. But he wanted her to be happy with him, but she barely even spoke to him. Even Ike, tall, dark and scary, warmed up to her. He knew Link took a liking to her, but he could easily talk to him about his liking towards (Y/n). But Ike, that was a hard one.

"Would Dark pit and Ike please head towards the battle arena, your match is starting in 10 minutes." The announcer said, (Y/n) looked up at Ike.
"Can I watch?" (Y/n) smiled excitedly, Ike gave her a soft smile.
"Of course."
"Yes!" She cheered, Link waved goodbye as the two walked towards the arena. Marth saw his opportunity, he quickly rushed towards Ike and (Y/n),
"Miss (Y/n)?" Marth spoke, both Ike and (Y/n) stopped, Marth looked at Ike, "Ike."
"Marth." Ike said, (Y/n) smiled at Marth.
"What is it Marth?"
"Well, would you mind if I sit and watch this battle with you?" Marth asked, he kept his composure.
"Sure, plus it gives me time to get to know you." (Y/n) said, Marth smiled. He looked up at Ike who had an annoyed expression.
"Well," Marth extended his arm for (Y/n) to hold, "shall we go?"
(Y/n) giggled, she grabbed Marth's elbow,
"We shall."

"Good luck, Ike! I'll be cheering for you!" (Y/n) yelled, Ike chuckled as he walked away. Both Marth and (Y/n) turned around to see Dark pit looking at (Y/n), unimpressed.
"And of course I'll be cheering the loudest for you, Dark pit." (Y/n) smiled, Dark pit couldn't help but let out a small smile.
"T-thank you, (Y/n)." Dark pit said as he walked past the both of them, Marth couldn't help but smile at her kindness. The two of them started to head up to the stands, they found their seats and sat down.
"So, Marth?" (Y/n) shifted towards the prince.
"Yes, milady?"
"Can I ask a question?"
"Sure." Marth smiled,
"I'm not one to object to making new friends, but why so sudden?" (Y/n) asked, her face had a kind and she had a small smile placed on her lips. Marth felt his face heat up, he knew that if he told her the truth, she would get scared. But if he didn't tell her, then she would fall for someone else.
"Um..well, I just wanted to get to know you. You're a very fascinating person, and I wanted to complement you on your fighting style."
(Y/n) had a shocked expression, but smiled politely.
"You're sweet, Marth. I am very fascinated with you too, you're actually one of my biggest inspirations."
"Really?" Marth said, he wanted to blush but he faught the urge.
"Of course, a lot of these swordsmen respect you because of your unwillingness to back down." (Y/n) said, Marth felt warm inside. As if his heart was a butterfly that was trapped inside a jar, he wanted to give his love to this girl in front of him.

"LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!" The announcer yelled, (Y/n) turned her head towards the battle. Marth felt slightly annoyed because of the interruption. Marth saw Ike standing on one side of the battle arena and Dark pit on the other.
"Ready?" The announcer said again, at this time the brawlers started to count down.
"1!!" Everyone yelled, the battle then began, everyone started to cheer. Ike ran towards Dark pit, striking him with his up slash.
"Go Ike!" (Y/n) cheered, Marth could feel his heart sink. Not only did he realize that she had feelings for Ike but that he didn't have a chance to win her over, it sadden him to see her so happy for the larger swordsman. Marth started to slowly stand up,
"Marth?" (Y/n) said, she had a confused look on her face.
"If you may excuse me, milady. But I have something else to attend to." Marth bowed, he then turned around to walk down the stairs of the stands.
"Oh..okay, bye Marth."

Marth walked away from the battle arena, his heart was heavy and his will felt almost gone. He never knew that one girl could mean the world to him, and hate someone so much even though he doesn't even know him. Marth felt his face heat up, out of anger and embarrassment. He starred at his feet as he walked, swarmed with overwhelming thoughts.
"Why can't the pain go aw-"
"Ow.." Marth looked up to see Link rubbing his head,
"Oh! Sorry Link, I didn't see you."
"I can tell." Link straightened back up, he looked at Marth, his expression softened when he saw the look in Marths eyes.
"What's wrong, Marth?"
"Um..nothing." Marth quickly looked down, Link gave Marth a "really" look.
"C'mon Marth, tell me."
"Well.." Marth felt himself become embarrassed, "you know (Y/n), right?"
"(Y/n)? Yeah, I know her. What about her?"
"W-well, I have feelings for her." Marth looked up at Link, whose expression dropped from a small smile to a small frown.
"(Y/n)?" Link asked, his tone held a bit of shock.
"Yes, she's the only girl that I've ever felt so strongly about. Seeing her with Ike completely breaks me and puts my heart through such pain. I can't stand to be without her." Marth raised his hands to his face, covering his eyes. Link took a deep breath, he then grabbed Marths shoulder.
"I'll back off then, and I'll try to talk to Ike."
"Really?" Marth said, opening his eyes. Link nodded, Marth felt bad.
"You liked her, didn't you?"
"I-m sorry, I didn't kn-"
"Don't apologize, if she makes you that happy. Then I can't stand in the way of that." Link smiled at Marth nodded.
"I'll talk to Ike when his battle is over."
"Thank you, Link." Marth turned away from Link, he then walked away but then he stopped. "But I want to talk to Ike."

After the battle between Dark pit and Ike was over, Ike won. (Y/n) smiled as she rushed over to the stage.
"You did amazing, Ike!" (Y/n) smiled up at the taller swordsman, Ike gave her a small smile. He placed a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder, she had a smile on her face. But it slowly started to fade,
"Ike." A voice came from the back of the arena, both Ike and (Y/n) looked back to see Marth.
"I would like to speak with you." Marth said, Ike nodded.
"I'll go talk to Dark pit." (Y/n) said, she turned around and walked towards Dark pit, who was sulking. Ike made his way towards the prince, Marth motioned for Ike to follow him. Marth then stopped and turned towards Ike, who was a little bit taller then him. Marth gulped, he took a deep breath and started to speak.
"Ike, I would like to talk to you about (Y/n)."
"What about her." Ike raised an eyebrow.
"Do you have feelings for her." Marth asked bluntly.
"What's it to you?" Ike, narrowed his eyes.
"Because I want to tell you that I have feelings towards her, and I would appreciate it if you backed down." Marth looked up at Ike, who had a unimpressed look on his face.
"What makes you think she wants you?" Ike said back, Marth gave a shocked face.
"I want to at least try," Marth sighed, "Ike, please don't take her even though you can. I know the way she looks at you, and I want nothing more then to see her happy. But...I love her, she means so much to me and I can't get her out of my head. Please Ike." Marth looked up at Ike, who was starring at him with wide eyes. Ike sighed and shook his head,
"Alright." Ike then walked away, he then stopped and looked back at marth "but please, take care of her." Ike then walked away, Marth stood there shocked at what just happened.

Marth took a breath, he walked back to the arena entrance to see (Y/n) and Dark pit chatting. (Y/n) turned around to see Marth walking towards her, she smiled at the prince. (Y/n) waved to Dark pit, she then walked towards Marth.
"Hello, miss (Y/n)."
"Hi Marth, why did you run off before? Was it something I said?" (Y/n) rubbed her hands together, he could tell that she was nervous.
"Of course not, milady."
"Okay good," (Y/n) sighed in relief "well, I'm heading to my room now, wanna walk me?"
They both walked towards the smash building, (Y/n) would try to make small talk with Marth but all he did was agree back and not say anything else. An awkward silence loomed over the two, (Y/n) wanted to try and say something to him but he had a blank look on his face.

Finally the two reached her room, (Y/n) turned around and smiled at the prince.
"Well, thank you for walking me. Bye, Marth." (Y/n) went to go inside, but she was stopped by Marth grabbing her hand.
"Wait, milady.." Marth said, (Y/n) turned back around to face the prince.
"Yes?" (Y/n) said, confused.
"I-I need to tell you something."
"What is it?" (Y/n) turned completely towards Marth, Marth felt his face flush red. (Y/n) noticed the prince's voice shaking, (Y/n) placed her hand on his cheek.
"You can tell me, don't worry." (Y/n) smiled comfortingly at Marth. Marth took a deep breath,
"Let me show you."
"Show me wh-" she was interrupted by Marth cupping her face in his hands and leaning in for a kiss. (Y/n)'s eyes widened, the kiss was passionate. (Y/n) closed her eyes, she then wrapped her arms around Marths neck, deepening the kiss. Marth then moved his arms to her waist, he held her close. Their lips moving together, (Y/n) couldn't help but smile while she kissed the hero king.

They both pulled away, leaning their foreheads on one another's. They were both breathless, but they smiled at one another.
"That's one way to confess." (Y/n) giggled, Marth laughed.
"Actions are sometimes better then words, milady." Marth rubbed his thumb on (Y/n)'s cheek, lovingly. (Y/n) grabbed Marths hand, she snuggled her face into it. She smiled, she then looked behind Marth to see Link.
"Okay! Congratulations, but I don't want to see that!" Link then walked awkwardly down the hall to his room, (Y/n) and Marth laughed. Marth still held (Y/n) around the waist,
"I love you."
"I love you too, my hero king."

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