
"It's not like you enjoyed it." 

Once again, Karma laughed, and refreshed their YouTube account page, wanting to see if the numbers had changed in the few minutes she had been talking to Amy. 

'I thought you were great. Now get ready, I want you over here so we can plan out our meeting with Shane." 

Amy didn't bother trying to hide her grin, it wasn't like Karma would see it anyway. Still it was always good to know that you were good at something, especially kissing. But perhaps it wasn't that normal to get kissing feedback from your straight best friend. 

Fuck it. Amy didn't care. It was just a kiss, nothing more. 


Amy didn't quite know what she expected when she walked into the Ashcroft household. She obviously expected a hug from both Molly and Lucas, as that was what usually happened. The Ashcroft's were a very loving family, a family of huggers. 

As soon as she stepped inside, Molly pulled Amy into a loving hug, speaking about how glad she was that her baby Karma was finally with the love of her life.

Amy felt a twinge of jealously, before she understood who Molly was talking about.

Her. They were talking about her. 

She was the love of Karma's life.

Smiling awkwardly at the two parents, she spotted a blushing Karma at the bottom the of stairs, just waiting for her. Her pale hand was outstretched, ready for Amy to take at any moment. 

Taking the hand, Amy smiled and tried not to let her knees buckle, as Karma leaned in to kiss her cheek. 

It was a loving gesture that the two hadn't used before. but Amy was sure that she would get used to it. The feeling of being light headed, thought quite dangerous in some scenarios, was an addictive one indeed. 

As soon as they were in the safety of Karma's bedroom, the ruse was dropped. Amy let go of Karma's hand to go and sit at the end of her bed. 

"Karma what the hell was that? You told them I was the love of your life?"

Amy couldn't help but question her best friend. Why would Karma bother telling her parents about them? They weren't actually dating. And to say that Amy was the love her of life was another thing for another time. 

"I know, I know I shouldn't have told them, I just knew it would make them so happy. They've already joined PFLAG, and I've finally trumped Zen."

Amy fought to bite her tongue, knowing that arguing with her new 'lover' wouldn't work at all. Karma was stubborn, and always managed to get what she wanted, without being too bossy. 

 "I still don't quite understand why you told your parents, it's not like we're actually dating." She said, her tone glum. It wasn't like she wanted to date Karma, but she wouldn't mind waking up next to her, knowing that she could lean over a press a kiss to her lipstick stained lips. 

"Well I actually thought that it would be more real, if our parents knew. Then if Shane comes around we won't have to over act anything."

Amy sighed, Karma's point was solid enough, at least this plan would work, unlike some of their other plans in the past. 

"So, are you with me?"

Karma gave Amy a cute smile, and tilted her head to the side. It was a winner. Amy couldn't help but look through her eyelashes and nod at her best friend. Damn her. 


As soon as they arrived at the gates of hell, also known as school, Amy could sense that something was up. It wasn't just the fact that they were meeting with the most popular boy in school, it was actually because students were clapping them, and smiling at them. 

This was totally a parallel dimension.

Entwining their fingers, Amy gave Karma's hand a squeeze, and let out a shaky breathe. She figured that if she just stayed calm then everything would be fine. After all, she was doing this with Karma, the girl who knew her better than she knew herself. Ironically, her other self in more than one way. 

It wasn't long before the king of the school spotted them and marched over. Shane was quite different to how Amy thought he would be. Strangely enough he seemed to be a nice guy, with fantastic hair. If the ecstatic grin on his face was anything, Amy knew that she was going to be good friends with him. 

"Well if it isn't the two queens, I'am so glad you both decided to come out. I did have an inkling about you both." He chuckled, already linking arms with the both of them. 

Amy was very right, she liked Shane a lot. He was funny, sarcastic, but still totally clueless about the fact that they were faking it. 

The day seemed to be getting better every second, Karma had been by Amy's side the whole day, cuddling up to her in class. She had even been whispering cute things in her ear, which always made Amy blush.

Everything was going fine, until lunch. 


The devil herself went to Hester High, and she came in the form of Lauren Cooper. She was short, blonde, and the most annoying person Amy knew. Sadly, the taller girl had to live with Lauren. 

Over a few short weeks Amy's mom and Lauren's dad had met and fallen in love over a stupid Christian mingle site. It wasn't the most romantic beginning, but her mom was happy, and that was all that Amy cared about. However she didn't realize that Bruce was going to bring along his frankly awful daughter to live with them. 

At the start Amy had been close to moving out, and into Karma's house, but she soon got over it. It wasn't the end of the world. 

Until her world that she had built with Karma in the recent few days, was found out by the same horrible blonde that was soon to be her step-sister. 


They were just eating lunch outside on the grounds, when a storm by the name of Lauren Cooper, marched over, demanding that they moved out of her way. Woah, and Amy thought that she was more of a bitch at home then at school, boy was she wrong. 

Before Amy could say a word, Karma grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. The auburn haired girl always knew how to calm her friend down. 

Lauren's eyes zeroed on their hands and she gasped. 

"You and Karma are together? I saw your stupid video online, and I thought you were  faking it, but this. Your mother is really going to love this. Maybe if you move out the way you'll still have a home by the end of the week." 

Even if Lauren wasn't that tall, she knew how to threaten someone, she wasn't stupid like everyone else thought. 

"Don't piss me off, Lauren. I have access to your toothbrush."

"You are disgusting, and soon everyone will know."

Storming off, Amy glared at Lauren's retreating form, before Karma tugged on her hand. Turning to face her, she saw that her friend was leaning in for a kiss. 

Cupping Karma's cheek, she closed the distance between them, and kissed her slowly and tenderly. It was very different to their first kiss, but it was special, and almost loving. Karma returned the kiss, eagerly moving her lips against Amy's. The only reason they stopped was because of Shane Harvey, clearing his throat with an amused grin. 

Pulling away, Amy blushed, and caught a glance of Karma, who was also blushing at having Shane catch them in the middle of a kiss.

This was going to be a long week for the both of them. 

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