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"You've reached Kudo Shinichi. I'm not home at the moment. If you have a case for me, please leave a message."

That had been the same voicemail [Name] had reached a dozen times already, the voicemail of her friend's house which kept telling her that he still wasn't home. Usually, she would have just been annoyed with him for running off on his own without warning anybody first and just doing what he pleased.

But this time it was different.

It wasn't just about her gut screaming at her that something was wrong but also the fact that those guys were there. And Shinichi had been extremely interested in them.

She shut her flip phone with a sigh, her emerald pools quivering in concern, I hope he didn't do anything stupid...

That being said, she was sure he had done something like that.

"By the way... what are you doing here, Ran?" her deadpanned eyes trailed to the side where said girl was angrily stomping, fists tight by her sides, "I'm going to teach him a lesson for you, obviously."

"You really don't have to..." she sweatdropped.

But her friend just huffed forward, "Of course I do! That damn mystery otaku just left you behind in the middle of the night to go home on your own! He'll pay for this!"

[Name] chuckled warily, brows furrowed, "A-Aa... Thanks..."

"Sorry, [Name]! Go on ahead without me!"

Remembering his words, she gritted her teeth and her nails dug into her palms. But she knew that right now she could only go to his house to hopefully find some reassurance that he didn't go to find trouble with those two men in black. She hadn't even had the time to go by her house to change because of it.

"Ah! I knew it!"

Ran's yell brought her back to the present and she turned on the same direction her childhood friend was staring at, seeing the lights on inside the Kudo mansion.

Trembling in rage, the brunette stormed inside the house since the door was left open, "Shinichi! Where are you?! I know you're here!" [Name]'s shoulders slumped and she followed behind her, rubbing her head, "I'm really surrounded by insane people, aren't I?"

Knowing the mystery nerd, she headed in the direction of the library, her steps growing faster when she saw the light below the door, "Are you in here, Shinichi? I was worried, you know. Why would you do something like that all of a sudden?"

Her concern began being replaced by anger the closer she got and she slammed the door open, "Shinichi! Eh...? Agasa Hakase?"

"Ah! [Name]! What are you doing here?" the professor scrambled, hands waving around as he was still unprepared. Quickly glancing back and forth between her and the desk, something that didn't go unnoticed by the underworld criminal.

Crossing her arms with narrowed pools, she walked closer to him, "I was looking for Shinichi. Have you seen him? I was worried since he wasn't answering and thought maybe something happened."

"O-Oh, there's no need for that. I'm sure he'll be back soon." Professor Agasa moved his body so that he was blocking her path to the desk.

Though that just made her more suspicious. Even more so once she heard a strange noise coming from the place he was trying to hide. Looking around the man, [Name] walked past him to the desk, this time Agasa not being able to stop her. She kneeled on the floor, seeing the young boy who was putting his glasses on, "Ara, and who might you be?"

The little boy, or more like Shinichi turned into a ten year younger version of himself, flinched at the sound of her voice. Slowly and fearfully twisting around to face her.

Detective Conan: MidoriWhere stories live. Discover now