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I finally managed to finish the episode. I'm sorry for making everyone wait. I'll try to get you guys the second part of this case as soon as possible.

"Why won't you take us to your reunion?" Ran followed behind her father. It was hard to say how many times she had asked him this question since Mouri told her.

Every five years, Kogoro would meet up with some old friends from college in a hot spring in Tochigi Prefecture. It was like a class reunion sort of thing. Last time, Kogoro had brought Ran along with him since he and his wife were separated. Ran was too young to be left alone and he wasn't too sure about approaching his wife either, so he picked the safest option.

But now, Ran was all grown up and knew how to take care of herself better than Mouri. Mouri didn't think it was a big deal but as soon as Ran found out, she wouldn't stop questioning him.

Now, a couple of days had already passed and she hadn't stopped asking since she didn't receive a satisfactory response.

Mouri thought that taking Ran and the others out would finally make her forget about it, but it wasn't helping much. Mouri slumped his shoulders. "What do you mean why? It's my reunion..."

"You took me to the one five years ago, though."

"But we can't let the office close. What if something big happens?"

[Name] and Conan remained a couple of steps back, not wanting anything to do with this conversation. Even John who was usually quite lively, pulling at the leash to go faster, was quietly wagging his tail as he trotted beside [Name].

"What do you think? Will Ran convince Kogoro-san to take us or not?" Watching the man who could barely struggle, sweat running down the back of his neck, [Name] didn't think he had much hope. Neither did Conan, "It will be a miracle if he lasts today..."


"It seems like John agrees, [Name]-neechan."

Meanwhile, Ran wasn't giving up. Her father's excuses were just too crappy for her to believe them. "With you on vacation, the office would be closed no matter what. There is no point in just me staying to keep it open. We all want to go to the hot spring. Right?"

Ran threw the pot to those in the back who wanted nothing to do with it. But it wasn't like they could refuse, not with the way Ran was looking at them.


"Of course..."

Mouri was sweating buckets now, "Actually, I was going to treat you to a fancy meal instead of taking you."

Ran simply smiled. A smile so bright that one could just see the stars glowing around her. "Then, we'll pass on the meal and take the hot spring trip instead."

"Don't be stupid! Domestic flights are even more expensive than international ones lately! And you even want me to bring that dog! I don't wanna pay for four stinking people and one dirty dog! Put yourself in my shoes!"

The others deadpanned. "So, the truth comes out..."

Mouri wanted to curse, hurriedly covering his mouth. He didn't exactly want them to find out his real thoughts, but it was a tad too late to try to hide it.

Luckily for him, he wasn't given the opportunity to explain himself.

"Help! He robbed the bank!"

A commotion broke out at the end of the street, just a couple of meters away from them. The glass doors of the bank slid open, and a man with sunglasses and a hat rushed out with a bag in his left hand. Behind him, a bank clerk was yelling, not daring to follow the robber.

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