The fuzzy worm hero: stretch-alotal

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Main Fandom: mha

Book Appearances: none thus far


Name: tommy hunter
Pronunciation: to-m-ee h-un-t-er
Nicknames:the fuzzy worm hero: stretch-alotal

Nationality: Australia
Sexuality: straight

Birthday: 6/7/xxxx
Actual Age:25
Mental Age:18

Occupation: pro hero

Likes: talking with people of his communities, food, grooming, swimming
Dislikes: bugs, the thought of things deep down in the abyss of the ocean, drunken alcoholics, pedos
Phobias: spiders

Bad Habits: getting triggered over small things
Eating Habits: eats too much sushi
Sleeping Habits: tosses and turns

Skills: can speak a small bit of Mexican
Hobbies:  collects bits of villains costumes to add to his own to make his seemingly useless quirk stronger

Personality: hot headed, air head, cocky, bluntly honest,
Morals: never lie, never show weakness in the heat of the moment, never harm an innocent soul, train harder to protect everyone

(Other Stuff)

Backstory: born in Wollongong hospital, he was the result of a unusual marriage, his father is a chef who has a stretching quirk, and his mother has an axalotal quirk, together that made a fuzzy wriggly live child, he was always encouraged to use his quirk for everyday use at home, at one point at a young age, he saw something that led him to becoming a pro hero, he saw a fight between a hero and a villain go down, he was in awe of the moment,that day of he knew what to do, become strong to be like the heroes

Fun Facts: the art work you see is inspired by the guy who made hellboy
His costume is just a bullet proof vest and a heavily armoured helmet
His quirk "stretchy worm" is only able to be used in his neck
His supemove is called "titanaboa constriction"

Theme Song:undefeated-skillet

Voice Claim:Ron pearlmen

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