Chapter 1 - The Deposition

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"Todays the day John, are you ready for this?"

"I'm ready Miss Harper."

"Good boy."

Oh I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Mia Harper and today I will be winning my 300th case. I'm a winner you see, some say I have an issue with losing, personally I agree. Why lose when you can win? By the end of this day I will have brought my firm a client for life and a substantial sum that goes with it. What have you done?

"Ah Benjie, good morning."

"Good morning Miss Harper."

Benjie is my driver, been that way for 5 years now, I guess I have grown to like him. Oh and do try to keep up, I will only be saying things once.

"How are you today Miss Harper?" He asks with his usual crocked smile

"I'm ready for battle. Let's drive."

One month earlier

"I was told you wanted to see me Rebecca?" I said as I knocked on her office door.

Rebecca is the managing partner of my firm, though how she got the job no one knows. Everyone knows she's not the best lawyer in this place, I am.

"Yes Mia, come in, take a seat." She says while gesturing at the empty chair. Not like I had an option of where to sit as the other chairs were covers in folders and lose papers.

"What is it Rebecca?" I could tell something wasn't right with her.

"A new case" she says as she hands me a case folder full of papers.

"Great" I take the folder from her.

"That's not all of it. The opposing firm is Pearson Spector, Harvey Spector is working this case and I just wanted to check how you felt about that?"

How I felt about that? I would be a fool to not be a bit rattled by that name but I want to prove I am the best lawyer in this firm and I can win anything.

"I feel like I can beat him."

"Are you sure about that?" Rebecca asked.

"Yes I am. I have never given you reason to doubt me and this case will be no different."

I left that office a mix of emotions, excitement because this really was a great case for me and concern about the man I would be going up against, the best closer this city had seen.

The walk back to my office seemed to take longer than average because my head was already filled with the details of the case. I had always loved these kinds of cases because I like to get personal, it always spurs me to on to do the best I can to get some kind of justice for the client. The case its self wasn't that high profile, nor a huge money spinner and so I had to ask myself why Harvey Spector was wasting his time with this case.  Normally he wouldn't bother himself with such simple cases so I made a mental note to find out. The deposition was scheduled for three days from now and so myself and my associate John had plenty of time to prepare. I asked John to research cases for president while I looked into the mighty Harvey Spector.

Of course he went to Harvard, everyone knows that Pearson Spector only hires from there. He spent some time working at the DA's office before returning to Pearson Spector and has remained there ever since, hum he must be loyal to the firm I thought. He is also not afraid to tread the line of the law to get results. While working at the DA's office his mentor buried evidence to help himself and Harvey get such good conviction rates. Hum this man gets more and more interesting the more I learn about him I thought.

After acquiring sufficient data, my associate and I were ready for the 1st stage of battle.

The day of the deposition.

John and I walked into the Pearson Spector building as if it was just another case, but it wasn't. Today was the day I would meet the man I have read about, heard about and never seen. Today was the day.

We were meet by the elevators by the receptionist and lead to the conference room where the deposition would be held.  The room was mainly wood and glass, with huge glass walls with wooden panelling filling the other parts of the room. We took our seats in the middle of the big glass table which was decorated with glasses of water for all parties and a mini camcorder facing where our client would be sitting. Five minutes had passed before our client, Julie, walked into the room. She is busy today with her new job and so this hour was the only spare time she had. Because of this we had arranged to prep her there and then. We still had ten minutes before the opposing council was scheduled to arrive in which to achieve our target, getting Julie deposition ready. We spent the time going through what happens in a deposition with our client and the procedure that the opposing council should follow, although I did warn her that they may like to play dirty, in which case I advised her to take deeps breaths and try to answer as calmly as she can.


"Yes Sophie?"

"Who is representing my old boss?"

This was THE question, the question I didn't want to answer, the question I knew my client wouldn't like the answer to.

"I believe its Harvey Specter."

My client turns her head, looks out the perfectly polished glass wall and sees the name on the wall, then back to me with concern plastered on her face.

"Don't worry Sophie. We have the advantage on this case." I try to assure her.

"And that is?" She asks.

I turn to face her so I can read her as I say this.

"We have something Mr Spector doesn't; the truth."


Hey all!

Right so this is a fan fic based on the character Harvey Spector from the American TV show Suits.

I have never written a fan fic based on law before and I know nothing of it (despite doing it for A Level a long time ago) so please do let me know what you think and if I should continue it?

If I do continue it we meet both Harvey and Mike and even Donner! Come on we all know how amazing Donner is!

Anyway please please please let me know what you think of this so far.

Thank you :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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