Chapter Twenty One: Soulmate

Start from the beginning

"Ohhhh, that right there nurse, is a man with the sad Jisung virus" Woojin-hyung says and I hear Channie-hyung clicking his tongue while shaking his head slowly. I know they mean it as a joke but I'm really worried, why would he be sad?

The rest of the team gets in and were on our way to the practice room and eventually when we get there we start warm up and go through the flow but my eyes were stuck on Jisung, because he really wasn't himself today.

"Okay, twenty minute break everyone" Minho-hyung says and as I look at him he points to the door and I see someone rush out.

And I knew exactly where they were going.

"Fancy, seeing you up here!" I say as I enter the rooftop and I see Jisung sitting by the edge.

"OH HOW THE TURNS HAVE TABLED" He said and we both just giggle.

I take a seat beside him and we don't talk and it was just comfortable, we knew we were safe here and it was peaceful.

"So as your soulmate, you know that I can read your mind and I know you're thinking that the salad design look like the joker" I say and suddenly he perks up

"I hate you, I was exactly thinking that!" He says and I was shocked with myself!!

I AM PSYCHIC! We both laugh it out and start talking about how they should design other salads based on comic book characters but as soon as the conversation dies down, the silence at us so I just went and took leap.

"What's wrong?" I ask directly and Jisung does't even look half surprised

"I'm just, I dunno, maybe I'm sad" He says with such a small voice and I place my hand on his back to give him comfort

"Okay, then why do you think you're sad?" I ask softly

"I feel like it's because of you" He says with no accusatory tone but it does take me by shock

"Me? Did I do something you didn't like?" I ask, almost ready to make a 100 page essay apology.

"No, it's not that, it's more of, now that You and Hyunjin are okay, I feel like I won't be in your life as much anymore" He reveals and I just sit there in defeat.

"I'm sorry that I haven't given you that much attention" I tell him with regret stringed to my tone

"Nah, that's no biggie, I can get attention from Minho but it's more of...." He hesitates to say something

Yeah?" I tell him trying to coax him into revealing his feelings

"You need to promise me something!" He suddenly faces me and looks at me enthusiastically

"What's that?" I ask shocked

"That no matter what, if you have a problem, you'll come to me, so that I can still be a part of you're life" He says with so much conviction and my face softens

"No, I can't promise that" I tell him and I could see the tears start to form in his eyes

"Instead I'll promise that if something good happens to me, you'll know straight away. If something bad happens to me, you're the one I'll force to cry with me. If I miss you, then I'm expecting you to be there." I say as I hold his hands and look at him with sincerity

Jisung starts to cry and I wipe away the tears falling from his eyes while smiling at him because he's someone so precious to me, No way will I only go to him when I have a problem.

"You're my soulmate and my best friend, of course you'll always be in my life, in fact you can't get rid of me! We're stuck together for life" I tell him and as he catches his breathe and looks me in the eyes, he starts to cry harder

"You're right! this is for life, this is gross!" He says and I just laugh at him and start to gather him in my arms.

I start to hum a random tune to calm him down then suddenly I see Hyunjin enter the roof but he sees me holding Jisung. I smile at him and he smiles back as enters the building again allowing me the big cry baby to be alone.

"You know I love you right?" I tell him while he's still crying

"I'm going to get a and cold from crying so much!" He says crying on my shoulder and I laugh and roll my eyes

"Yeah, Felix I love you too!" I say to myself mockingly but then he suddenly looked up at me with intense eyes

"I do love you, Felix" He says and I smile then he starts crying again and I start to cradle my big baby as he continues his crying session.

Eventually he settles down and we start talking about how many of my future dogs will be allowed in Jisung's house. While we were talking a wild Minho appears behind us and Jisung and I both smile at each other. He gives me the look to get out of there and I leave the two alone on the roof.

"Is he okay?" I hear from behind me as soon as I get to the empty eating room

"Yeah, he'll be fine, he has me" I told Hyunjin as we start looking out the window

"You soulmates are something else" Hyunjin says with amazement and I just laugh at him

"Yeah, but if it weren't for him, you and I would've never happened" I told him as a matter of fact and he

"Then thank God you have an amazing soulmate" He says sincerely and I just scrunch my face

"He's like.... above average on a good day" I say with a serious face but Hyunjin suddenly bursts into laughter then suddenly he pulls me in for a kiss and I start to giggle.

"But yeah, Thank god for my soulmate"




I love you all!! even if the story is done MY LOVE FOR YOU WILL NEVER END!!!!

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