"I appreciate you stopping by. Um, Trevan probably just needs a minute."

"Yeah I know it's alot on him. I just wanted him to know that I care about him. I needed him to hear it from me before I went into prison."

There was nothing left that I could say or do but nod. I understood the situation but, it wasn't my situation to handle. The only thing I could do is support my husband to be.

After Dennis left I locked the front door and returned to the dining room. Trevan sat in his same spot with his head now in his hands. I walked over to him placing my hand on his back.

"Baby." I called out, soothingly rubbing his back to comfort him. He looked up at me and sat up, pulling my body into him. I moved so that I was between his legs as hr wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he rested his head against my stomach.

"He my dad. Like my actual father."

"I know." I sighed heavily.

"You know how much I wanted to know what he at least looked like when I was a kid? How many times I blamed myself because he wasn't in my life. Thinking that-." I had to stop him mid sentence.

"Baby look okay." I grabbed his face so I could look him in his eyes. I could see the sadness and hurt in them and it made me want to break down and cry. I had to be strong for him, so I sucked it up.

"Its gonna be okay. That's all in the past noe and you can't blame yourself at all. He came forward to let you know that he loves you." I smiled at him. "Its okay I know that this is new but just relax. Breathe."

He closed his eyes and blew out a breath. I gave him a very close hug, knowing that he was hurting inside. I wanted him to feel better but I knew that it would take time. I was going to be here for him every step of the way. We were going to get through this together.


"He didn't mention where he was staying or anything?" Mama Rica asked as she sat on the couch.

I shook my head. "Nope. Just that he was sorry and he kept explaining the situation."

"My poor son. I hate it when he's unhappy."

"He was fine when I left him but he did want me to hurry home. He misses his son." I got up from the couch and grabbed my purse.

"Come on Stink." I called out to Ayden. "I'm gonna call you mama."

"Alright please tell my son I love him." I made my way over to her and gave her a warm hug. I knew that this was tough on her as well.

"Love you guys. Bye GG baby." She tickled Ayden's tummy making him laugh.

"Love you too." I replied back before leaving. I walked over to my car putting Ayden in his carseat. I made sure he was strapped in before going to the driver's side and getting in. I started the car and took off towards the direction of home. I was eager to get back to Trevan because I didn't want him to be alone. Especially going through this.

It took all of six minutes for us to get home. I got out the car and took Ayden out as well.

"You miss your Dada?" I asked him as I pulled out my keys to unlock the door.

"Dada." Ayden repeated as he played with his toy phone. I stepped into the house and close the front door behind me.

"Dada!" Ayden screamed once I walked into our bedroom. He wiggled himself out of my arms and ran over to the bed.

"King." Trevan smiled as he picked him up. He kissed his face as Ayden immediately went to play with the chain around his neck.

"I missed you Dada." Tre smiled making my heart swell. The smile on his face was the biggest and brightest I had seen in the last couple of hours. It was amazing to me how Ayden brightened the gloomiest of days. Anytime Trevan and I were upset he always knew how to put a smile on our faces.

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